Though we must refrain from in-person gatherings right now in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19, socialization is still crucial for us to incorporate into a well-balanced daily routine! Here are a few ways to maintain social rhythms in the current times.

1. Take Part in Video Chats!

old time video calling

Not only can you simply talk to family and friends and see each other through video, but you can also do these activities together:

  • Exercise: Engage in a workout with your best friend, cousin, or grandparent! An an alternative, dance around your respective living rooms if dance parties are more your style
  • Teach Each Other a New Skill: Your uncle who’s great at painting can give you a tutorial on painting clouds, and you can teach him French vocabulary, photography, or whatever floats your boat! Use this time to grow your skill set and improve your teaching abilities
  • Pray With Each Other: In stressful times such as these, set aside time to pray or meditate with loved ones to foster a sense of calmness, peace, and hope. Praying and meditating have been shown to lower blood pressure
  • Make Some Food: Bake the same meal for dinner with your aunt, or make a delicious dessert with your grandma! Bonus points if you try out a brand new, health-conscious recipe
  • Play Fun Games: You can play Pictionary, Charades, trivia games, board games, or even some card games–just modify them based on your virtual situation! Be strategic, and have fun with it! A study carried out by the University of Edinburgh revealed that people who played board games more regularly had better cognition than those who did not play them regularly.

And many more options! Have fun with it, and think outside-of-the-box!

2. Make Phone Calls!

Talking on the phone is a great way to communicate–you can freely relax in your PJs while still hearing the other person’s voice! Did you know that tone of voice comprises 38% of communication, according to studies by Albert Mehrabian? Being able to hear your loved one’s tone of voice can give you a greater idea of their emotional state and how you might best respond to them. If Alexander Graham Bell could do it, you can do it. In the current times, you probably shouldn’t have as many people around as he did.

Alex Bell using the first phone

3. Send Texts or DMs

Composing texts or DMs allows you to carefully craft messages and think about what you’ll say before responding. Also, you don’t have to respond to others right away if you’re in the middle of trying a healthy new recipe or engaged in an engrossing book. An added bonus of texting: You can send and receive GIFs, which bring some levity to life! We can all use some humor, especially these days!

4. Write a Good Old Fashioned Letter!

The mail is still operating! Why don’t you write a letter to a loved one, telling them what you appreciate about them? Practicing gratitude boosts your mood, and, according to a study by Wood et. al, may promote resilience in challenging times of change. Before email, people would stay in touch with putting a pen or a pencil to paper. Get a little fancy and put a wax seal to close up that envelope.

5. Reconnect With Your Moai — Coming Soon!

The concept of Moai originates from Japanese culture, but I’m sure that you are also part of a Moai. A Moai is a social circle with people you have known for a long time, and it is where you are able to share the tough times and the good times with each other. You most likely have a Moai. Remind yourself of the people who have supported you financially, emotionally, and physically. The people who were there for you in the worst of times and the best of times. Those people are your Moai. In the current times, they probably need your support just as much as you need their support. Reach out and connect with each other using some of the great tips mentioned above.

Our team is actually working on a new feature to build your Moai virtually! The #MyMoai feature will be coming out in spring 2021…It is a special way to synchronize your schedules with loved ones, and maintain healthy social rhythms from a distance. Think of it like a “World Clock” on your phone, but for people instead of time zones.

COVID-19 has undoubtedly thrown us all for a loop and disrupted regular life as we know it. It has also put a pause on face-to-face gatherings. Still, with some thought and creativity, and with the different technological tools we have at our disposal, we can continue to reach out to and interact with others. Remember to check in on loved ones, friends, and neighbors regularly to see how they are doing. Never forget: We’re all in this together!

Note: This was written during the 2020 Pandemic some of this information might not apply now that we are past the pandemic. We have also launched the My Moai feature since this post.