Neurogenesis: neu·ro·gen·e·sis
(nur’ə-jěn’ĭ-sĭs, nyur’-) n.
Formation of nervous tissue.
As recently as 10 years ago, scientists and medical professionals thought it was impossible for human beings to grow new nerve cells. Research from institutions including UC Berkeley, UC San Diego and UCLA are showing that good ol’ sleep helps promote a healthy amount of neurogenesis. This includes areas like the “hippocampus” which are essential for memory and learning.
Royan Kamyar, M.D., MBA is founder and CEO of Owaves
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- Sportiche, N., Suntsova, N., Methippara, M., Bashir, T., Mitrani, B., Szymusiak, R., & McGinty, D. (2010). Sustained sleep fragmentation results in delayed changes in hippocampal-dependent cognitive function associated with reduced dentate gyrus neurogenesis. Neuroscience, 170(1), 247-258.
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