Each Activity has a different Category. For simplicity, we have eight (8) total Categories:
Red = Love or Social. This is one of the five (5) “lifestyle vital signs” recommended by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Love or social activities may include: quality time spent with family or friends, caring for a member of your family, writing to a loved one, talking on the phone or by video with a loved one, spending time with a beloved pet, or a romantic date.
Orange = Exercise. Any physical activity should count… as long as you feel a boost in heart rate and it makes you sweat (even just a bit). Think of gardening, soccer, football, basketball, a light morning jog or even doing yoga. Whatever means exercise to YOU should count. We even count long-distance walks from the car to the workplace.
Yellow = School or Work. Hard to have a successful, healthy life without work! Being productive matters. Capture anything you do that exercises your precious, one-of-a-kind brain. Think: writing, reading, creativity, productivity… Computer work, desk work, phone work, homework, class work… #werkwerkwerk. And make it count.
Green = Nutrition. Count grocery shopping, putting stuff in a blender, cooking, food-based gardening… whatever your heart desires that is related to your gastro-nourishment… Coffee. Cups of water. Even medications are included here…
Dark Blue = Sleep. Naps count… as does your normal 7-9 hours… Hopefully, you’re getting those during the night! If you’re on shift work, this activity will become especially important for you. Choose from dream-y icons, to love-y ones… to the “I need to hit the bed hard” ones. Getting down to sleep business. Magical, wonderful sleep…
Light Blue = Relax or Self-care. One of our more diverse categories… what reduces your breathing rate? Makes your heartbeat chill? Reading a good book? Then it belongs here. Formal breathing exercises or meditation? Then it counts here… This is our “stress management” section. We know this is important… another one of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine’s “lifestyle vital signs”. Heart disease is still the #1 killer in the United States, and stress is a leading cause of heart disease… so make sure you use the light blue! And relax… P.S. Nature is one that should definitely count. Use the “bonsai tree” icon and #GetOutside!!
Purple = Fun. Please have fun. In life… Concerts, video games… whatever floats your boat, as long as it brings a genuine smile to your face. Having trouble having fun? Think of what brought you joy as a child… your favorite Xmas gift? Favorite stocking stuffer? Favorite board game?! We recommend dancing.
Pink = Miscellaneous or Spontaneous. Clearly, the above categories are not all-inclusive of this wonderful thing we call life. Errands, transportation, the daily grind of getting here-to-there… all takes Time. Place them here, in the pink category. ALSO, no one wants 24/7 x365 days of purely planned events… even the most passionate Owaves user deserves some free time… to be spontaneous and make up for lost time. Use pink to represent free time. Spontaneous time. Elbow room time…