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Dr. Hina Cheema is a gynecologist with a large social media following on Instagram. She talks about many topics including mental health and relationships.


Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: So hi, guys, welcome to another episode of the Body Clock podcast by Owaves. We’re very fortunate to be joined by a big social media influencer today, Dr. Hina Cheema, who is an obs and gynae physician. She’s also got a very large following on social media. She’s a very creative person, and it seems like a lot of people can connect with her. And her posts resonate with a very wide audience. She posts about many different topics, ranging from social issues to interior design to women’s health. So I’m sure this will be a very good podcast for the listeners. So, nice to meet you, Hina.

Dr. Hina Cheema: Hi there, Sohaib. How are you?

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: I’m well, I’m thinking, should I be calling you “storyofstyle,” as your Instagram name suggests? So I’d like to ask you, how did your journey start into medicine? So quick version of that, but how did the name storyofstyle come about? And how did you start your social media journey?

Dr. Hina Cheema: Sure. Yeah. So the thing is, I graduated from med school in Pakistan back in 2005 and got married to my husband, and came to the US. It was a little bit of a struggle trying to get into a residency because you need US clinical experience and you have to complete a set of exams at USMLE. So I got done with those and did a little bit of research and got into OB-GYN. It’s like four years of residency. So I finished the residency in 2010 and it was quite an experience. I was burnt out by the end of my residency and I took a six-month break after that, and I was just staying home with my newborn baby. And it was a wonderful experience. I just never regret taking that break. So after that, I joined a part-time OB-GYN practice and practised for four and a half years. I quit last year and I decided to become a medical humanitarian because it was something that I had been working on for quite some time. So, yeah, it’s just a little back story on storyofstyle. So I started storyofstyle back in 2017, about almost three years ago. And even though it was part-time, you know that in OB-GYN even part-time is like full time.

And I was pretty burned out. I had two children. I have a daughter who is now 12 and a son who is now five. While I had two kids, my husband had accepted a job in Dallas, and he was flying back and forth from Michigan to Texas. It was quite an experience being a single mom, having to work and shuttle the kids to the school, taking them, bringing them back, and doing all of my mommy duties as well. And I was so burned out that I actually started my blog, The Story of Style. I started it on Instagram. And I don’t know what I was looking for. I think I was just looking for a creative outlet, just something that would take my mind off and I would just have something to look forward to when the kids went to sleep and I had nothing else to do. So I did that, and interestingly, after a month on Instagram, I got interested in digital marketing and I had a remarkable opportunity, an idea that I put to use. And the business was hugely successful in just a few months. And I like to tell people that I was multitasking so many things. And, you know, I worked so hard that I actually burned myself out of working so hard and doing so many things.

So, yeah, here’s a little low down. I told you I was like, I can just go off tangents and talk and talk. So I need your direction. 

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: That’s a great story. So it seems remarkable you had such an intense beginning. And obviously, I know how taxing medicine can be, especially obs and gynae. And the fact that you even had time to think about other things is quite surprising, especially with doctors so scientific that it’s hard to be creative and you found that outlet. And you went through a lot of tough times to get where you are and you’ve been successful. And you talked about how hard work has been a big part of you getting to where you are now. What would you say… So your following grew; were there any particular factors that played a big part in your following growth? Because Instagram is a very competitive space right now. There’s a lot of people who are trying to become quote-unquote “Instafamous”. The sincerity of your post, being genuine, or just the content you created was something that people were looking for. How did you go about that? Or did you just trial and error?

Dr. Hina Cheema: I think it’s more of a trial and error, but for me, it…that was my digital marketing plan because I knew…I understood like after one month of being on Instagram, even though that was just my creative outlet and I wasn’t trying to be famous. I really wasn’t. I just wanted to get away.

But after being on it for a month, I realized how badly people want to do it. And I was like, why do they want to do this? And I was like, there are more desperate people trying to become Instafamous than the chance that you would be successful. So I had lesser games of being successful if I was trying to become Instafamous because everybody was trying to become Instafamous.

So many people, right? Yes. Yes.

So, yeah. And then, I came up with this digital marketing plan. I started to hire big celebrities on Instagram, actually, and some more. Like at that time, was big. So I would just hire them from all different countries like Brazil, India, the US. So I would hire them and these people would have millions and millions of followers and then we would do those massive giveaways. So we used to give away Chanel handbags and iPhone 10 and things like that. So we started doing that because that was a booming business because people were trying to become Instafamous. So they were game like they just wanted to be in. So I did that and my account was always in all those giveaways as well in the start, in the beginning. So initially in the first few months, it was just growing on giveaways that I was doing as part of my digital marketing thing. So I was growing, but I was also running my business. So I was good like I was killing two birds with one stone. But the thing is, one thing that I realized… I think I stopped doing the digital marketing thing about nine months in because I started noticing that these people are not engaging as much. These people who are coming from a business, even though they are exposed to the account, then they’re not really interested in me. There are going to be a lot of people who are going to end up unfollowing me. So the real work that I started doing was just a few months into it, like I think six months of this trial and error. So two years, I started focusing on creating really high-quality content because before that, I was just taking… my photographer would come and we would do pictures for the whole week. So just pictures and there wasn’t much written material. So people didn’t even have a chance to get to know me. And I think that really matters. People need to know who you are. And if you’re just posting pictures, I mean, you have a very little chance of succeeding, in my opinion, right now. Unless you’re like, oh, drop-dead gorgeous or something like that. Instagram is really very discriminatory.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: So that’s very interesting. So you had a lot of different strategies, but you learned along the way as well.

Dr. Hina Cheema: Yes, absolutely. So I learned along the way, and one of the best strategies was to be yourself. And the moment that I was myself and I started writing my story, there were people who started relating to it. And that’s when I really started getting people who would stick around. Not just somebody who comes by fleetingly. They just browse through you and they’re like over you in a few days. So that’s what I noticed. And Instagram just keeps rolling out new algorithms. So the strategies keep changing. It’s so dynamic. It’s so crazy that you have to keep changing your strategy and keep conforming to how the algorithm is changing. And that’s the whole idea. Instagram is like a virus that keeps changing its form, and you’re like a vaccine. You have to be like your flu vaccine.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: It sounds like coronavirus, changing so quickly.

Dr. Hina Cheema: So, yeah, so you have to change strategy.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: All of your pictures seem quite high quality as well. Did you say you had…was it a professional photographer?

Dr. Hina Cheema: I used to have one when I was in Michigan and then I started part of the… Like a year or so, I did that. And then I started noticing that I can do my own pictures like there are many people who are doing their own pictures. So I bought the Google Pixel phone because I bought a few cameras but it’s just so bad when using cameras. We just… we changed it into a phone and it’s so easy. So that phone, I kid you not, has such an amazing camera. So this Pixel three I had at that time, I still have it. And I actually just bought that phone because I used the iPhone, but I just bought that phone as a camera. It’s so good. And I just pop it on a tripod and take our pictures ourselves.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: So it becomes quite easy for you to do. But does it mean that you have to edit the pictures to have to put a lot of thought into it, or is it mostly about your captions?

Dr. Hina Cheema: The thing is, I think that your caption is the main attraction. But you know that on Instagram, in order to be successful, everything needs to be good. Like, you can’t just have a good photo and a bad caption or have a good caption, but just a bad quality photo. I’ve actually seen like instead of like having a better photo and no caption, like a good caption, like a really thoughtful caption with a bad photo, will still go viral. So yeah. So that’s what I noticed. Because as the algorithm changed, it was first photos, then it started to become a little bit more captions. Then it became both because now in order to be competitive, you have to have both of these things have to be really high quality. And then now the most recent thing is that Instagram…then the third thing was that Instagram started paying attention to stories like you really had to keep doing your stories so it would put you in other people’s feed. And now it’s the video. So now the video format, because Instagram is trying to rival TikTok. So now the videos are doing better. The moment you post a video, it’s going to really get taken up by a lot of people. They’re going to see it. And then live is, nowadays, big as well.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: I get notifications all day of people who are going live. So it’s changed things. And do you see TikTok as an evolving platform?

Dr. Hina Cheema: Definitely. I think that is the future. It’s like in the past because when I was hiring these stars from, you know, that Tiktok has been merged with It merged with it in 2018. So was really big because so many stories that I hired actually transferred all their followers from So I used to be curious about that. I was like, OK, that’s really good because all the followers are being transferred over to Instagram and now TikTok is doing the same thing for people.

And I like to tell everybody that TikTok is so incredible and so easy to grow on. And I was saying the same thing in I think October that everybody needs to get on TikTok because if they don’t, it’s going to get harder like Instagram. And I just noticed, like I started my account, like in January, and then I grew like two hundred K followers in like two months, and then it immediately stopped. And now I can see that if I’m posting, it’s not going as wide as it was going before. So I can see the algorithm working like the initial first post; we got really viral, and then it stopped like there’s complete silence. So you know that the algorithm is suppressing your post. And just to kind of make TikTok just a tad harder because people like it when things are harder, people actually think that it is of more value because people keep craving Instagram more and more and it keeps making it harder for people to grow. So people are more engaged and more… I don’t know how to put it, but it’s like people want something that they can’t have easily.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: That’s some great marketing advice. So you say scarcity, or as demand rises, something becomes more saturated. People want it more, and that content is more difficult to get.

Dr. Hina Cheema: Yes. So people want it. Because people are very ambitious and there are so many ambitious people on there and people work so hard. I’ll tell you, some of the hardest working people I know are not just doctors, but Instagramers.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: Really? Ok, so they must have to manage their time.

Dr. Hina Cheema: It’s very hard. When I first started, I was giving Instagram between 12 to 16 hours on the weekends and whatever else time that I had, like I was completely committed.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: I didn’t know it takes that much effort and energy. There’s a lot of planning times you post optimizing posts, or is it just thinking of ideas of what next to engage people with?

Dr. Hina Cheema: The thing is, it’s easy to find something that will engage people because if you’ve been doing it for some time, you will pretty much understand what does well with your following and you will get it. So that will not be a problem. But what really takes time is engaging with other people. That’s where all your time and answering your DMs because if you’re not answering your DMs, people are not going to stick around. So one of the biggest strategies that I learned was that you have got to interact with people on your DMs freely and be sincere, and really, you would want to help out. What I did is I started doing women’s health questions, which totally blew up on TikTok. I did a couple of posts and I had like 3.9, almost 4 million views on one and then another similar post. And I had directed that traffic to my Instagram and it just blew up my DMs. Every minute I was getting like three DMs, so I was completely overwhelmed. I couldn’t catch up with that. I had a manager who used to deal with it but I had to let her go. So now I am looking for somebody. But yeah, you do need to continue doing that in your DMs and you engage with other people because that’s how people find you and they’re curious if you comment on something and it’s a thought-provoking comment.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: So what are your main tips on managing time? You seem to you must stay quite organized. You’re doing multiple things, obviously, with your social media following, but also you do a lot of interior design work. And you were volunteering as a physician and you have been a physician so you have to study for a lot of exams as well. And you’ve got children as well. So obviously Owaves being a tech startup around time and time management, what are your top tips on your time? How do you do that?

Dr. Hina Cheema: I think my top tip is to wake up early. Like there were times or months that I had to wake up at 4 a.m., otherwise, I couldn’t get things done. So wake up early because you are going to have so much time and you are so much more productive in the morning. If you wake up at four or you up at five, it’s an excellent time to get your stuff done and you will see that you get stuff done faster at that time. So yeah, basically waking up early and working out and eating right because you just can’t afford to get sick. 

 Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: Do you use calendars?

Dr. Hina Cheema: Yeah. And then I always have my planner. It’s an old-fashioned planner. I have an old-fashioned planner that I need to write things down and some of my stuff is in my Google calendar, but I need to have things written down. It just makes it so much easier for me to plan things. But yeah, some of these and outsourcing, one of the biggest things that I talk about is outsourcing. Because you know what, I’m not going to… If I know that I don’t have enough time, I’m not going to have enough time with the kids if I am going to be cooking and doing my work. So I would rather forego cooking and do my work and spend time with the kids. So, yeah, so you have to pick and choose what thing is more important to you. So I had outsourced all our meals and the housekeeping works, so that really did free up some time and made it possible.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: Great. That’s very useful for someone who’s been able to manage so many different things and be successful of them. So you discussed a bit about your strategies, what you’re doing with the digital media platform, as well as emerging trends. So working as a physician, obviously, there’s often a lot of struggles. Could you share any troubles you’ve had with mental health or any tips you have for mental health? I read a post of yours where you talked about bipolar and that was something I found very interesting.

Dr. Hina Cheema: So when I was doing med school back in Pakistan, I had ADHD and I had some anxiety. I may have had depression as well, but it was undiagnosed. So I did go through a lot of that. I was unmedicated because in Pakistan there was a taboo to go to a mental health and you just had to kind of stick it out or just pretend that nothing was wrong with you. And I had ADHD; I could never stand by myself and I just had a photogenic memory that was the only thing that went in my favor. But I always had a steady partner and because I could never focus on my own, so I would have to study with people. And that’s how I studied my entire life. When I came to the US, of course, there were so many struggles and so many things that I had to go through that I didn’t face in Pakistan, because now you’re on your own and you’re just hustling to get into medicine. It was quite a long road. And yeah, I did experience major depression and was later diagnosed with bipolar II disorder. So I want to mention that bipolar I would have been a little bit tougher, and bipolar II was relatively manageable because I had never had to be on mood stabilizers, but just on an antidepressant because mine was milder.

But I want to tell people that if you’re suffering from something like that, ADHD, anxiety, bipolar, all of these things, you can still do so much. And nothing can prevent you from achieving your dreams, even though there are times that it seems impossible… you don’t want to get up, and the world is dark and it continues to remain dark for days and days on end. But then you keep on going if you have a set schedule. And what I figured out with my therapy was that the thing that worked the most for me and the people with bipolar is that you need to have a schedule. There’s something off of the circadian rhythm and you’ve got to have a schedule. So my schedule, this is how I deal with it, that I am scheduled hour to hour every single day. I know exactly what I’m doing. And if I’m going to waste my time or just do nothing and relax, I’m going to put it down in my diary as well. So, yeah, I’ve been able to pretty much manage it very well, thank God. It has been a struggle. It’s not easy, but it’s doable.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: I’m sorry to hear that. I mean, it must be quite tough. And you’re a great example of someone who’s been so successful despite having the difficulties of certain mental health issues. And I mean, you should be an advocate for Owaves. How you’ve described scheduling things hour by hour is what we’re looking at, our calendar app plans your day with your circadian rhythm. The point is to help people who are suffering from anxiety or ADHD to do that. And you’ve explained that beautifully. I hadn’t actually met someone who’s gone through that and you the schedule so successfully. So thanks for sharing that. So, when you schedule in downtime, would you alert your friends that I don’t wanna be disturbed, or your family? How would you do that?

Dr. Hina Cheema: How did I spend my downtime? You know what, I’ll be very honest with you. Ever since I started my social media and my business and ever since I started becoming more busier, and obviously I was a single mom, almost, like my husband was traveling, I did not have any outside. I had zero social life, I’ll be honest with you. And it was intentional. And the reason why it was intentional is that I spent a hundred percent of my energy. This is how I thought: instead of… there some relationships that are meaningless and you don’t need to be in those relationships. They’re relationships that create negativity in your life. So I figured out that I needed to extract myself out of all those relationships and focus entirely on me, myself, and I. Because I deserve that. And on building myself and building my kids’ future, my future, my entire focus was on us. And I knew that it wasn’t going to last for that long. You’re going to work hard and then there’s going to be benefits. You’re going to see benefits soon. So I believe in working so hard and I don’t believe in the [tortoise’s] strategy — slow and steady wins the race — I don’t believe in that. I feel like you have to rush and run like the hare while you can. I’m the kind of a person there are times I would just burn out. And at that time you can just take your downtime. But my thought is to do as much as you can while you can do it.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: That’s a very different strategy, so whilst you have the momentum, keep going, get as much executed. And then when you do feel burned out then take a step back and recover.

Dr. Hina Cheema: Yeah, because I would do things like…because I would still do things with my husband which totally relaxed me. Like, we would go for a massage together, we would watch a movie together…you know…just dates…so you have your own family, and it was enough for me…dates with my husband and spending time with my kids, and then working…it really worked out fine. But why I totally burned out in nine months, because if I tell you how much I was doing in a day, you just wouldn’t believe that one person can even do all those things. Like, I was running a 200 client business all by myself, like a monthly client business, while being an OB-GYN, and a single mom shuffling her kids around, and creating content for my Instagram. And this was insane. I think I overloaded myself at that time and it was a learning experience for me too, because I was so excited about that new business, I just wanted to keep on going, and I just didn’t want to stop. It was just too intoxicating. But then, you know, I did hit a wall, I did burn out, and then I slowed down.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: I think that happens especially if you’re a high achiever and you’re ambitious. You mentioned ADHD previously. It can be in your hands in terms of you are moving quickly, but then it can burn you out as well. I’ve just had moments where I’ve moved too fast, taking up too many commitments, and then all of a sudden I’m like, whoa. But the problem is that when you take the opportunity is really good because it does help. You do accelerate very quickly.

Dr. Hina Cheema: Yeah, the thing is, the reason why I believe in this strategy, especially for those who are suffering from mental health, because I know that if I let it get to me, like if I let my bad times get to me, then I can’t achieve anything at all. So I know that the moment I am in my hypomanic phase, I have got to just accelerate. I’ve got to use that opportunity. And that has worked very well for me because if I’m in a hypomanic phase, I noticed I would talk to people that I was able to do the work of like three to four people in a day, and I was. Because I didn’t have bipolar I, I had bipolar II. I was very much with it. Like, I would finish my tasks, I would complete things, then I was actually productive.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: So you used it to your advantage. Obviously, you have bipolar. With the symptoms, what were the best strategies to manage apart from planning? Is it just something that comes in cycles where you feel a lot of energy and then you feel low?

Dr. Hina Cheema: Yeah, I’ve been in remission for some time, but then that’s how… It’s been in remission for a year and I’m just waiting for my hypomanic phase to return. I want to work. But I’m saying that if it does come in cycles like major depression, cycling with an elevated mood, the good thing about bipolar II in comparison to bipolar I is that during the hypomanic mood, you are likely to be more productive and you will actually get things done and you’ll be successful. For some people. I talked to my psychiatrist. So but in bipolar I, you absolutely cannot be productive during that time. So the symptom management was like, I would put all my energy in work. So that was my best strategy. Just my work. So whatever work I was doing and I would schedule in then, because when I would hit the wall and go into the major depression, then there were days that there was absolutely zero ambition or drive to even get up and just do anything at all. And I figured that when those times will come, I do allow myself some downtime. But I conditioned myself so well that even when I was depressed, even during residency, I continue to work. I would just continue doing my work because you just have to.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: So what motivates you?

Dr. Hina Cheema: Because I know that it’s a limitation. I know that it’s a limitation. Not everybody suffers from it. And I am like I’m just never going to allow myself to feel that I am less than anybody or I can not achieve, but other people can achieve. And it just makes me work harder and it makes me more competitive. It is good to be aware of your limitations and then work around them.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: Which is great. So are there any triggers that you have to avoid? You said you threw yourself into work. So with someone who is maybe suffering from ADHD, which is getting more and more common, the diagnosis and bipolar, do they find it difficult when there’s a lot of opportunities arising? Do they have to stop themselves from going on their phone often, getting distracted by a lot of stimuli that are being used these days, such as email notifications?

Dr. Hina Cheema: Yes, because one of the things is that when you start doing social media, even though that you’re doing… even if it’s your business or it has become your business, you’re still going to… there’s still potential to waste your time or just scroll, scroll, scroll on social media like TikTok or Instagram, and that can really throw you off. So my biggest thing was to focus on your work in the moment you feel like you’re distracting, or you’re just not focusing on what you should be doing and just like wasting your time, then to be very well aware of that. And of course, I’m assuming at this time that whoever suffers from it is on medication because obviously medication, nothing beats medication and therapy. But even with medication and therapy, there are some things that don’t work. And obviously working out like really, really helps with the mental health. And it’s been my kind of thing that gives me the endorphins. And it’s done good things for me.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: Are you someone who likes a lot of change? You like new opportunities. You get bored of the same thing?

Dr. Hina Cheema: I do. I do. Yeah. And that’s and I know that I do that and I understand that. And I’m always looking for a new opportunity. But this is what I do because I know that there’s a potential to continue jumping from thing to thing without finishing it. I always tell myself that this is something you’re not going to do. You’re just going to… you would want to get away from this, but keep doing it. Like that’s one of my own therapies that when I started it’s so funny that when I went to med school, my mom didn’t want me to go into med school. She wanted me to go into interior design. And she actually fought with me like she wouldn’t let me study and all that. And then I got into medicine and I really thought that I did a… wow. Like, I went against my mom and did it. And every single year I would want to give it up. Like every single year. And then after I graduated, I’d be like, OK, now I’m not going to do it anymore. And then I started USMLE. And then I would just every single year of residency, I would say, I’m going to give it up. And I was like, you know what? I’m not going to give it up until I finish it. I just need to finish this. Otherwise, everybody is going to say, oh, she can’t finish it. Or just for myself, I’ll just all the time look back and think, oh, I wish I could finish this. So I finished it.

But two years into attending life, I was bored to death. I was like, I love surgery and I was excellent at robotic surgery. I was teaching older, like really older OB-GYNs, the new techniques and everything. And I really loved it. And I do miss it right now. But I quit last year because ever since I was little, I had a very clear idea of why I wanted to be a doctor, and that was solely for humanitarian reasons. And that had been in my head for the longest time. So I knew that I was going to do it initially. I tried to do it with the job. I had done a few trips before, but then I figured out if I want to continue my business and my Instagram and everything, I would have to give something up. So I decided to give that up. Hard choices, but…

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: Yeah, difficult indeed. I mean, I’ve been something through recently where I’m deciding between tech interests and medicine and obviously medicine’s all-consuming. So you’re at a juncture where you have to weigh up what’s best, even though you have such wide interests and I think that’s best for everyone if you can focus on what you’re enjoying at the time. But since you’ve already given a lot to medicine and you do volunteer at a physician capacity as well. So with the current, obviously global anxiety is increasing. Have you got any tips for people to feel less anxious? Anything that you apply in your daily life, which may help with that?

Dr. Hina Cheema: Yeah, that’s an excellent question and definitely an extremely sad situation nowadays. And it’s really taking a toll on people. So I have noticed that it was all-consuming to me when I was in the news, like every hour, like I was trying to read the news and it was creating more anxiety. And I figured that it was best to kind of only check the news like once a day instead of you being constantly exposed to it because nothing’s going to change too much in 24 hours. So hold on. Just read your news in the morning. That’s OK.

And working out. And it’s cabin fever. You stay in the house for long and my kids have homeschooling and all of that stuff going on. So find projects, because my husband and I are… because I focus on work while my husband is working on a project. Like, I’ve designed our laundry room, so now he’s working on it. So I design it and he builds and it’s just so much fun. So it’s something that is fun. And he loves it. He jokes that he was Jesus in some other life because he loves woodwork. He loves woodwork; he would just cut wood and build things. He loves doing that. So it’s his hobby. And I’m lucky. I like to design and I can make my designs and he builds it. So it’s nice to kind of get away from the whole anxiety and then you need to keep working out and make sure that you’re not overdoing on our snacks because that’s just, you know, going to happen with all that anxiety.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: So it fits perfectly. I mean, that’s useful for people to actually engage in such activities at home that you’ve suggested. And with everything happening, have you got anything lined up, any new projects happening, any new platforms that you’d be on?

Dr. Hina Cheema: Yeah. So my newest thing was TikTok that I started this year. And I’m planning on starting my… because there’s so much interest in women’s health. I’m planning on starting my YouTube channel because there’s so many questions I get, like I just told you, two to three thousand questions in a day. And my thought is I’m collecting everything, and I actually answer people’s questions. And possibly, possibly, still thinking about it, but I’m more like providing free telehealth services to people. And that’s just one of my non-profit ideas. So it’s…everything is still in the works.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: So you like to keep busy, thinking of new ideas all the time. So you are a big fan of technology as well then? And I think after this, the whole…there will be a big cultural shift towards everything being online.

Dr. Hina Cheema: I think so. I think so. And that’s when people are going to realize that it was good online, it’s really good online, it saves you time, it saves your commute time. And yeah. But the only thing is that I think productivity for some people may decrease when you’re at home.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: With more distractions sometimes…you’re in the zone when you’re at work. How can people follow you? What are your…what’s your Instagram handle, what are your social media channels?

Dr. Hina Cheema: So I am on Instagram as “storyofstyle,” as just regular “storyofstyle.” And then I have a TikTok with the same name and a TikTok with the name “doctorcheema.” 

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: So, yeah, I mean, it’s been great having you on and you’ve discussed such a wide range of topics and shared such personal experiences with regards to your mental health. And that’s not something that everyone does. And I think it will resonate with a lot of listeners sharing that journey. And you provide us with some amazing strategies and inspiration, someone who’s obviously been a big part of medicine and got a very intense career, but also been so successful on a completely different career path as well. And Owaves being the startup, we really champion innovation and technology. And it seems like you’re utilizing that to its full effect.

Dr. Hina Cheema: Thank you so much for having me. It’s a pleasure.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: No, thank you for making time.