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Dr. Rupy Aujla is a medical doctor specializing in general practice. He also does a bit of emergency medicine and is a firm believer in the power of food and lifestyle change as medicine. He is founder of Doctor’s Kitchen and the best-selling author of Eat to Beat Illness.


Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: Hi guys, welcome to another episode of the Body Clock podcast with Owaves. Today, I’m delighted to have my fellow colleague and clinical entrepreneu, Dr. Rupy, who’s better known as the Doctors Kitchen He’s done some phenomenal stuff in the space of lifestyle and he continues to be the pioneer in this field with a massive social media presence. That’s how I first came across him. So, meeting him in person was a bit of one of those celebrity type moments, and I was honestly quite delighted to see him and he is actually generally as friendly and happy as well in person as he appears in social media. So, it’s generally, very genuine. So, he has written quite a few books now with his latest one being Eat to Beat Illness, which will be launching in the states quite soon as he can tell you more about that and his background. So, hi Rupy. Thanks for coming on.

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Cool, man. Thanks for that lovely introduction.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: Of course. You’re the people that gave me hope as a young trainee kind of diversifying through some different things. So, could you tell the listeners about your journey and what you’re doing?

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Yeah. Sure, man. So, I’ll keep said the short version. So, basically, I’m a general practitioner working in emergency medicine as well NHS. I’m a firm believer in what you choose to spend your plates being one of the most important health interventions that anyone can make. This journey really started for me when I got ill myself. I started suffering from something called atrial fibrillation, which is where your heart beats exceptionally fast and, in my case, irregularly as well. I would go through whole bunch of different investigations and multiple appointments with medics, cardio-electrophysiologist, some cardiologists, etc, interventionists because I’d be having some episodes 2-3 times per week, anywhere 20 beats per minute. And it was my mom who suggested that I should look at my lifestyle and trying to improve things. And as conventionally trained medic, I wasn’t thinking about lifestyle as a potential option but really to appease her I thought- okay, well I’ll stay on the medications.

I won’t have an ablation, which is where they put a wire into the heart and then burn essentially an aerial ring fence of the misfiring cells. So, I looked at my diet, my sort of stress levels, my sleep, activity, and to my sort of amazement I was able to come off my medications and I haven’t had an episode since. It must be about 7 or 8 years now. So that was my sort introduction into lifestyle medicine and I went into general practice and start having more open honest conversations with my patients, started researching around the subject matter, and I found this huge wealth of information that was pretty groundbreaking for me at the time.

And I realized, you know, nutrition is definitely the way to go forward. I started a little YouTube channel back in 2015 really, just trying to teach people about the benefits of food and how they can eat their health. And yeah kind of snowballed from there, really. And I got approached by a large publisher in the UK, we wrote the 1st book in 2017, and, yeah, now I have my own podcast like everyone else in the world apparently. I do my social media stuff. We do 3 science-based recipes per week showcasing a seasonal ingredient. I have newsletter which goes out to thousands of people, and yeah, keep people up to date with the latest nutritional science but it always comes back down to this core short principles of healthy eating, which we’ll probably get to in a bit.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: I mean that sounds like an amazing journey of how it progressed from your own kind of health problems you experiencing which makes it a lot more personable, and I think that’s why a lot of people can relate to you. Because if I mentioned earlier, Doctor’s Kitchen, I know a lot of people will be like – Oh, my mom brought his book or… A lot of people can relate to you and they like following you because you’ve broken down that barrier between just being some type of academic who can’t translate and communicate with the public on a level. You are the kind of people like listening to you and I think that is the number one thing. You can have the best information available, but if you can’t resonate with people its useless.

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Yeah, absolutely. I am by no means an expert. I’ve interviewed people that I aspire to be like. There’s people in the world who’s podcast are I listened to. I read a lot- way too much. Actually my reading list is far too big. I’m constantly on learning on this journey. I’m currently doing my Masters in nutritional Medicine at the University of Surrey so it’s just like this constant journey, but I think what you picked up on quite rightly there is the fact that it’s all good and well having this information and statistically trying to review systematic reviews and all this kind of stuff, which is great and we need to do that. But fundamentally, how is this going to impact the person I’m seeing in clinic when anyone in front of me, you know they’ve IBD or a skin complaint, they have mental health issues- is there anything that we can do with lifestyle and is there any evidence that we can translate into easy actionable principles for them to follow. And it turns out there are. There are tons, and we don’t need to overcomplicate it.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: And with nutrition from your own lifestyle and what you’ve learned, what are some of the key principles that most people should be adhering to?

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Yeah, of course. This is like, something I sort of been trying to figure out how to pictorially represent it at the moment because I have a talk coming up. So, if we think about a curve, like normal distribution curve with normal distribution on a X and Y axis. Of the far end of the outliers you have on one end like pure meat diet which is like a nod of meat, meat eater’s diet, carnivore or whatever it’s called. On the other end, you have airatarian, the people that just lived on breathing apparently. Your other extreme, right. So, in the middle you have a whole plethora of different, sort of diets that are named seemingly or impression of being seemingly different. You have Mediterranean. You have the blue zones. You have veganism.

All these different things, so when you look at the intersection of all these different diets and look at the similarities rather than the differences you find that they are around 80%-75% the same thing, okay. And those principles and things that constantly come out- the research, whether I’m looking at a diet preventing prostate cancer or a diet that looks too improve the health of your skin or immune system and brain health, and it wilts down would sound these principles: Eating whole. So largely whole foods, less refined products, and whole grains as well if you can tolerate those. So that’s the first thing. The second thing is tons of different variety of colors. That colorful foods weather is peppers, aubergine, courgettes, etc.

It’s just getting a variety of colorful foods. Keeping it plant focused. So, I’m not a vegan but I certainly eat mainly plant so probably around 80-85% and I don’t need to have meat at every mealtime and that includes fish as well. So, plant focused diet when you have larger plants on your plates, it’s going to be a good thing and the other thing is quality fats as well. So quality fats are things from whole sources again, cold pressed oils, nuts, seeds, a good variety of those naturally forming fats that you in find in nature and that’s pretty much it. And then you add fiber. I mean fiber you get from things like chickpeas, pulses, beans, legumes, and eating in time and you have a pretty healthy well-balanced diet that applies to a large majority of the population. So, yeah that’s pretty much it. You can end the podcast now.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: We’re done. We’re done. No, but I mean you kind of help people to put that into actionable food because I mean a lot of stuff, I mean it’s not appetizing it eat raw, right?

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Yeah, exactly.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: So, the big work is how do you make it appetizing and, you know, something that a bit fun to maybe make. I think that’s what a lot of people enjoy and it’s interesting because people, like in generally even on social media, people love recipes and plates. And its interesting how that’s something people would rather care about then a doctor just being like – okay, this is what you need, you know. People aren’t going to do that but it’s like this and it covers my health. Okay, this looks fun. Let’s make this.

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Yeah exactly. I think it’s like making accessible for as many people as possible. So, you know, trying to show people how you can apply these principles effortlessly with the recipe is sort the mechanism by which I’m trying to educate people. So, you know if I can show people that can make a 20-minute recipe in one pan throwing things together making it look and taste beautiful and satisfying. Then that’s another step in the right direction for public health.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: And being a doctor, you must get a lot of patients that come to see you or people want advice. How to do with that? Because I mean you’re probably limited with time in terms of addressing their medical problems, but I think lifestyle such a different thing as well.

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Yeah. This is something that we covered quite a bit in I’m culinary medicine, which is the nonprofit I found it to medical students and doctors. how to cook and what we describe, and we have open and honest conversations but is the skepticism around how you can actually introduce lifestyle measures for the person in front of you. And honestly, it really depends on the person, you know. I’m not going to be suggesting certain ways of eating to someone who is in a low income and doesn’t know where their next meal is coming from who is reliant on food bank items. Which 4 million people in the UK are reliant on. And compared to another person who’s completely educated, who has done some stuff to their diet that has led to improvements and they want a bit more advice. The two main things I’ve thought about from this perspective of what’s the next best thing for this person in front of you.

What is the one thing that we can get to move them in the right direction and the second to bring them to come back to the general practice appointment. And the second thing is actually meeting them with their eyes. Well it’s what you would do in any consultation and then trying to figure out what’s in their best interests rather than what’s in my best interest. And then a good way of doing that is doing sort of like a 60 second food recall- what do you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner? What do you drink? What do you snack on? and that should give you a good, sort of, general rough view of how they’re eating over a 7-day period or a month period.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: With Owaves focusing on students in mental health, have you seen, I mean it’s sometimes hard as a student you’re still rushed off your feet to even grab lunch sometimes or for busy working professionals even more so. So, you get in the habit of missing breakfast and well I’m doing a lot of things that are always recommended but I guess can you spin things in your favor like could you miss breakfast and call it intermittent fasting? Or that’s how I’m looking at things sometimes.

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Yeah. I’m a fan of doing what I call an intuitive fast or a gentle fast every now and then. So, for example, this morning I haven’t eaten yet. This is because I was super busy with some other stuff I had to do. I woke up early before this pod. i had to do a few emails. I worked out and now I’m drinking black coffee at the moment. so depending on which study you read inclusively like you cant that outside of your eating window and others stick to just plain water or whatever and but I think eating in a rough 10-12 hour window is generally very good thing from the perspective of metabolic control, from the perspective of inflammation control.

They haven’t been as many studies looking at this type of fasting as we need to make it like a public health policy but it’s certainly interesting enough to me to do and every now and then I’ll probably skip a meal but I won’t change the total energy content in my 24 hour period so it’s not strictly a fast. It’s an intermittent fast. Also, the whole nomenclature, the whole vernacular around fasting is very, very vague so intermittent fast can mean anything from like a 16 hour 8 versus 72 hours actually without food. what we would call time restricted eating which is where you don’t change the energy content of your 24-hour period.

You’re actually just changing when you eat not what you eat. So, I’m a fan of that. But that is not to say that fasting isn’t going to become a thing in the future and the other thing it is quite important to note is that particularly when you’re at University or school even there is an immense amount of pressure to look a certain way and to exercise and have abs and to look thin and skinny and all that kind of stuff. And a lot of people have developed an unhealthy obsession with that and unhealthy obsession with healthy eating even is called Orthorexia. I think it’s really important to make sure that whenever I share something fasting personally on a public platform that it’s within context and there are therapy options more so for people who have issues with metabolic control rather than for those who are just looking to look better in there board shorts or bikinis on the beach.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: Yeah, I guess like you said with social media that is proliferating and I think now you’re seeing people compare themselves and then having issue on mental health. And even a lot of kind of Wellness obviously is more afforded by certain groups of people than others so it’s become their competition almost.

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Yeah.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: So, what you’re doing I mean, I guess you’re highlighting the negative effects of it. So, with students what would you recommend for what they should strive for? Should they try and get these habits early or should they try and do what they can?

Dr. Rupy Aujla: I would try and get these habits in early. I wish I probably woke up earlier when I was a student. I was more productive then. Its just like a great sort of window of opportunity to learn as much as you can and I feel that I’m learning more now. I’m taking opportunities now to learn than I did when I was at University like the fact that I’m doing a master’s part time and also clinical work is quite well overwhelming. Back in the good old days of union had so much time and I wish I just read a lot more and stuff. I mean, I still had fun. I think that’s quite an important foundation of your livelihood. But in terms of like eating and good habits, I would say yeah, learn to master a few dishes that you enjoy that we know are packed with nutrients.

So, things like our whole rice. Curry was my first dish that I’ve made. Thailand Lemongrass Curry from for my first book that has mushrooms, carrots, it’s a beautiful galangal ginger, garlic, lemongrass. I make this sort of Thai paste from scratch. And if you can master a few dishes that are like your go to dishes or signatures dishes, just ones that you enjoy, you’ll become a lot more comfortable, confident, an experimental in your culinary environment. And I feel like whenever I go, wherever, you know, whatever the facilities are, I can certainly highlight what I can eat based on the core principles.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: I guess if you learn to cook, it’s a life skill. And if you can do it with friends, you’re ticking off 2 of those 5 boxes- socializing and nutrition.

Dr. Rupy Aujla: And that is exactly was doing actually, when I was at University. I lived in household where we will cook together, and we were very experimental. We all had jobs. We all clean down afterwards. You know, it was a real sort of camaraderie around eating and it’s something that should come very naturally to all of us.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: Exactly. And I think one thing we should give more attention to and I guess your books highlight a lot of those skills in terms of how you can start and what recipes can build up to. Could you outline for us like what your books are?

Yeah, so. the first book, The Doctors Kitchen, I feel is like a foodie’s journey through food and medicine, where I basically take these through the guiding principles and I talk about the most interesting concepts from the science of nutritional medicine. And we talk about nutrigentics. We talk about the gut microbiota. We talk about fad diets. Gluten. I talk about essentially why plants got me so interested in the subject and parts of chemicals and parts of therapy and all that kind of stuff. And then there is over 100 recipe there. but the intro section to the main is where I teach you the principles of cooking certain ingredients: so, greens, pulses, whole grains, rice that kind of stuff. You know, when you have those basics down then you can make a meal out of anything. So, if you know you have a butternut Massaman Curry, which is one of the most popular dishes from that book. You know, you can put a side dish with simple red rice or multi greens or something just very, very simple to fall through it to make a complete meal. And yeah. An obviously, there are comfort meal in there.

There’re some experimental meals. Just to sort of push the boundaries a bit from the culinary perspective but overall and overarchingly, it’s just pure sort of like culinary foodie goodness. That’s the way I want to see. I don’t think it’s like where we have separate- oh, I’m eating healthy today or I’m eating junk today. It’s like no, you can sort have the satisfaction of both. And Eat to Beat Illness is sort of like an extension of that where I dive into specific topics to do with a whole range of specialties. Because I think most people when they think of healthy eating they think of obesity, losing weight, type 2 diabetes, metabolic control, when actually nutrition has an intersection with every specialty. Whether we’re talking about eyes, skin, immune health, brain health, heart health, and that’s why I chose those as the chapter headings. So, each chapter, I dive into brain health, for example. There’s s a chapter on mood as well.

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Owning up to the fact, it’s a huge, huge, huge complicated science and you can’t belittle it to a pharmaceutical option, psychotherapy only option, or a food only option or lifestyle only option. It has to be an orchestrated way of marrying all those different things together and talking to the patient in front of you. But food has in very, very important part. It is about inflammation control. It’s about nurturing their gut microbiota. It’s about eating a lot more colors as well and we dive into the different sorts of foods that you could eating in that perspective. I make reference to the Smiles Trial that came out in 2016, I believe. Professor Felice Jacka was just on my podcast, actually, we’re talking about it and that was the first human intervention trial.

A small group of people with food dietary counseling was used as an adjunct therapy and they found that it actually put some people into remission from moderate to severe depression, which pretty groundbreaking to think about. You know you wouldn’t have thought that was possible a few years before and she actually termed the notion of nutrition psychiatry. So, that is super, super important and so yeah. And then, you know, there’s obviously food to compliment chapter. Zooming out as I do in the final chapter of Eat to Beat Illness, it’s very, very similar the principles of eating is similar across all the chapters. It’s not like eating prescriptively. We’re just eating to improve your internal environment and we do that with colors, whole gains, fiber, eating in time, quality fats. The same principles I was talking about earlier.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: So, would say the main is competitor is McDonalds?

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Competitiveness is an interesting notion. One thing I would say is would I realized over the last couple of years is to challenge the few companies that one could argue are responsible in part for the destruction of human health. You have to be as big as them. So, Nestle and Coca Cola, and these billion-dollar companies, they have budgets that are bigger than the WHO entire budget. Just their marketing budget is bigger than the entire budget of the WHO and that says a lot. And so really, yeah, we have to be thinking a lot bigger than you know my little podcasts or a few books that a few people going to read. It has to be a lot more orchestrated in that prospect. So, yeah.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: And regards to your daily routine how do you generally — I know people’s daily routine vary but just an average day for you, how would it look?

Dr. Rupy Aujla: An average daily routine for me it’s very different unfortunately. Like I’m going to be in New York next week promoting US version of Eat to Beat Illness which is out the 17th September. So my Sunday is going to be completely different and I love it. It’s very challenging from a work perspective because I tend to work on Mondays and weekends as well. But yeah, I suppose, if I had the perfect day and I try to strive for this. I wake up pretty early after having gone to bed at 10. And I will write my affirmation or save my affirmation as soon as I get up and sit on the side of the bed. And I started doing this thing when I write it down with my left hand, my nondominant hand. I like is that it makes you concentrate on what you’re writing and slows it down a lot as well as kind of like a mantra for me right now. And then I do 10 minutes of mediation straight away before doing anything.

So, I’ll have like a glass of water and I’ll sit down and do my meditation. And the reason why I’m doing it straight away is because I realized that we are bombarded with news flashes and text messages as soon as we get up so you are constantly in a stressed mode. And so actually having that presence in that state of mind which is very calm and collected is necessary first thing in the morning. And then I’ll brush my teeth. And I exercise. I generally do HIIT workout, or weight training, or depending on what day it is or what I’ve done the day before and then I will drink like about half to one liter of fluids. Depending on if I’m fasting or not, I will eat breakfast and get on with my day. The day is sort of broken out into… I mean, it could be a whole bunch of things.

It could be master’s research work. It could be culinary medicine. It could be food, recipe creation, book work stuff, motion work, social media stuff, clinical work if I’m working in the clinic that day, and this other stuff that I’m working with my digital productor. Which is something that still very much, like, early stages right now but I’m building out the pathways to what they can look like in writing. I’ve written a grant proposal. I very much doubt I’m going to get that because that was very rushed. But I’m looking at some other grants as well that I’m writing on and, yeah. And then, I used to work into the night like on emails at 9 or 10 pm. I’ve decided that the end of my working day should They should be latest 6:30, and then I chill down. I just don’t do anything and, yeah. The most productive part of my day should be the first 3-4 hours.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: OK that’s quite good. You’ve got a good plan of how your day works. It seems that you strive to get a good balance. I guess the biggest barrier is traveling right? I mean if you’re having- London is quite busy. I remember living in London for Business School and I felt like a lot more on the go. Just having to ring your day, you less control I feel.

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Yeah, definitely. I agree.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: Things pop up quite fast but that seems like you’re doing quite a varying amount of stuff. How do you keep focus on the things you’re doing because you’re doing clinical work with writing, researching, Masters. Quite recently, I would say being Jr. Doctor, I was being trying to get myself into a lot of things and I felt the brunt of it in the last month, I would say.

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Yeah.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: I often, all the sudden, feeling quite overwhelmed about actually what am I doing?

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Yeah, definitely. One of the things that’s helped me get over that is my meditation in the morning because it kind of gives you that sense of stillness. Another thing is I have a little mole skin book with my checklist. I meant to be doing. And so just seeing them on paper and writing them out rather than having it digitally, I find is quite- kind of hits the dopamine when you take something off as well which is awesome. My Google Calendar keeps me very focused.

Everything is scheduled to this podcast to my even my travel time to the meeting as well. So, like if I know that I’ve got a meeting in central London and I’ve got a budget for at least 35 minutes to get there, that’s in the calendar. So I know- okay, what am I meant to be doing at 9:45, I’m meant to be leaving the studio to go into that. So, generally it really helps me. If you do one thing at a time, it’s great. But like if I should think about all the 5 or 6 different things I need to do today, super overwhelming. If I think about one thing at a time. Just take it step by step, that’s great. It’s kind of like lifestyle meditation in itself, right. I have to do my exercise. I have to do my meditation. I’m going to do my healthy eating. I’m going to get groceries for that.

I have to like stress out, you know. I’m going to have to distress, all this kind of stuff. Super overwhelming. If you pictorial map that over your day and think about the 5 different things, just think about the next thing and that’s it. One thing. Just focus on that. For like you, you know, doing your Jr. doctor stuff, you got your podcast, and other stuff. Don’t think about the entire problem. Think about the next thing is for you and just focus on that. And then the rest of it will kind of like will figure itself I mean it’s always good to have like a big vision, a one-year thing, whatever, which I need to do actually myself. But you know, if you concentrate on the 5 year vision, it might be too much.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: Yeah, it’s too much. It can be equivalent out to anxiety, and I think its good to have that focus? How long have you been planning like that? Is it something you picked up recently or have you been doing it?

Dr. Rupy Aujla: This is something that I’m learning everyday. I’m not the person that has it all figured out. Not at all. Talking about it openingly is great for me, because it reaffirms that, you know, I don’t have all the answers and neither does anyone actually. But you know, its always a work in progress. I’m always finding new things to do that would improve my day. So the 10 minute mediation in the morning, I known about this for years, but its only taken me the last couple of months to really be regimented about it and I’m going to connect to this and that’s it. And if you think about it, If I was to commit to all the thing I do currently- my morning workout schedule, my scheduling on Google Calendar, actively trying to reduce my screen time for social media even though a lot of my work in on social media.

Its very overwhelming. Buts such an incremental thing and it takes time. None of this stuff. Even the doctors kitchen when I started in 2015 people think it’s happened overnight. I was thinking about the doctor’s kitchen for 4 years prior to that. This is all been in my head for about 8 years now. Its very very slow. Incremental advances every minute, every day and people look at sort of the snapshot on social media- Oh my God, Rupy is on BBC and he’s doing his high player thing. It doesn’t just happen out of nowhere like that’s been huge planning exercise for months and probably even a year actually thinking about it now but I first got the phone call about that. I think we’re in a world of instant gratification we like to believe that these things quick. They’re are not.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: That’s someone who is in the limelight a lot and youre being honest with the people that you have to invest in putting these things. And thing don’t happen that quickly. So what keep you motivated, Rupy?

Dr. Rupy Aujla: What keeps me motivated? The patients that I see that have benefited from changing their lifestyle and there’s not necessarily was because of me. One of the things I find most satisfying is when I meet someone and they’ve read the book or they have listened to a podcast and they found some benefit from it and I’ve never even met person. That for me, makes all the stress, all the effort totally worth it and I love that about what I’m able to do and how are able to leverage digital platforms. And that’s what I want to continue to do with the one that I’m looking to create a digital shopping tool that connects with online supermarkets and delivers ingredients to use you can cook Doctors Kitchen’s recipes that are tailored specifically for you every week, every day.

And yeah, and I feel like if I could modulate what people are eating and make small nudges towards that then we could be looking at much healthier population. Because everyone knows and everyone wants to eat better health is not people just don’t care. People are just lost, and I was lost when I had my own illness. and no one told me like why should be eating out to go figure out myself and if conventionally trained doctor from Imperial college struggled to figure it out, of course, everyone is struggling as well.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: That sounds quite a cool idea and I hope it works out because it would help a lot of people. With this kind of info for our doctors now, going towards lifestyle. I mean your good friends with Hazel as well. She’s going to be on the podcast hopefully soon as well. She has just been really, really busy as well. Do you see this rise of people younger and younger taking control of their health now?

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Yeah, absolutely. And I hope to scale and magnified that by with culinary medicine. Culinary Medicine is a concept that is not new it’s been going on in the US for over 10 years now. It’s so talked about by Harvard, Columbia University, Tulane Medical School that we were working with last year. And now we are making headway in the UK, Bristol Medical School have a regular specialty choice module every year. And UCL are about to train every single one of their year four medical students in a day of culinary medicine during their primary care module from September through March 2020. So yeah, that’s how we’re going to scale this thing and create more Doctor’s Kitchen type doctors out there. Because there are whole bunch people interested in the subjects. It’s just about having more, you know, open and honest conversation about it.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: So even with physical activity. There’s a doctors, physiotherapist in Manchester as well. She’s opened her own kind of fitness classes as well. So yeah, doctors are realizing that actually helped to start with wellness.

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Yeah, definitely.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: So that a great thing. And I’m glad you’re getting into the tech world as well. The tech world can be bit quite of a stressful world with a lot going on that is quite fast and different than medical world. That’s something I definitely know. Thanks for sharing with us your advice. Especially what you are doing is inspirational and you’re bit of a change maker, really. Its good you’ve got someone that has that credibility, but also that presence to help guide a lot of people because sometimes you can feel stagnate with healthcare being the same for so long. I mean you if read a textbook, you kind of regurgitating. with innovation especially with our program that were on, it gives you that motivation. With Owaves, we are trying to implement planning and scheduling, as you said. That’s what we are working on and hopefully that can lead for better mental health to be more organized. So, I’m glad you could be on our podcast and I hope to hear from you soon.

Dr. Rupy Aujla: I appreciate it, man.

Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz: Where can people follow you?

Dr. Rupy Aujla: Doctor_Kitchen and The newsletter is pretty much where you can find a whole bunch of stuff, and yeah, and learn about the journey thus far.