Viktor is a college student, entrepreneur and developer of emerging technologies. His current venture is MenuThree which makes augmented reality restaurant menus! Today, Viktor leads a team of 9 employees, publish articles about cryptoeconomics, speak at conferences, and studies engineering physics at the University of Illinois full-time.

“Owaves helps me plan my days down to the smallest increment so my attention can always be laser focused.”


Chicago, IL

Personal motto:

Experience is what you get, when you don’t get what you want.

Favorite Vegetable:


Favorite Exercise:


Favorite Book:

AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order, by Kai Fu Lee.

Favorite Way to Center:

Spending time with my girlfriend.

Viktor’s Daily Routine:

  • 8:30 AM — Wake up, shower, eat breakfast
  • 8:30-11:00 AM  — Writing code
  • 11:00-12:00 AM — University class
  • 1:00-2:00 PM — Lunch
  • 2:00-3:00 PM — Company meeting
  • 4:00-6:00 PM — Dedicated work time
  • 6:00-7:00 PM — Dinner with a friend
  • 7:00-8:00 PM — Company meeting
  • 8:00 PM-12:00 AM — Working on projects
  • 12:00 AM — Sleep

How did you hear about Owaves?

I was actively looking for 24-hr planners with a great user interface that allows me to add new events in less than a second.

What is your favorite part about the app?

The speed. Scheduling is a breeze. On the spot I open my Owaves app and schedule whatever I need with the person I’m talking with.

Whose daily routine would you most love to see?

Masayoshi Son, Founder and CEO of Soft Bank investment firm.

Has Owaves helped you get through any personal challenges?

Decision fatigue. This is the reason Steve Jobs wears the same clothes every day. Making many small decisions very often significantly reduces your decision-making ability when it counts.

“I plan my entire 24 hours the night before and can be completely in the moment even if my tasks switch frequently throughout the day.”

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Viktor Makarskyy is a College Student and Entrepreneur. Check out his current venture Menu3, which makes augmented reality restaurant menus! Also follow him on: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and read his blog on Medium.