Victoria Anthony is USA’s #2 ranked women’s wrestler at 48kg, an Olympic Candidate, National Champion and 2X Junior World Champion. The 25-year-old is on the #RoadToRio with hopes to win Olympic gold. Here’s a glimpse into her nineteen-year journey and her daily routine to stay on top of the competition:

“As far back as I can remember, it has been my dream to become an Olympic Champion. I started in judo when I was 6 years old, which is when my Olympic aspirations began. I can remember drawing myself on the top of the podium with a medal around my neck around age 6 or 7. Ever since I could understand the concept of the Olympic Games, I’ve wanted to train for them and win… and that’s exactly what I’ve been up to for the past [19] years.

“After training and competing in judo for 8 years, I saw a wrestling demonstration and fell in love. My introduction to wrestling began with 4 years on my high school boys’ wrestling team in my hometown of Huntington Beach, California; after which I moved to Vancouver, British Columbia to pursue my wrestling career and a degree in Psychology at Simon Fraser University. Now I’m back in Southern California, training full time to become the best in the world.

“I love everything about this sport. I love that it teaches discipline, grit, and an unwavering belief in yourself. I love that it teaches how whatever you want out of life, you can have, as long as you want it badly enough and are willing to work for it. I love that it requires continous personal growth, and perserverence beyond all obstacles. I love that it has allowed me to visit over 35 countries and countless cultures in the past 10 years. I love the community it builds, the relationships it forges, the opportunities it allows, and the crazy journey it has taken me on. The pinnacle of this journey will be the Olympic Games, and I can’t wait!”

Location: Scottsdale, Arizona

Favorite Exercise: Cleans

Favorite Healthy Snack: Black bean burgers, they can be mixed into anything!

Favorite Way to Center: Focusing on my breath.

Favorite Book: Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho

Personal Motto: If not now, when?

Daily Routine:

  • 730AM – Wake up, pack for practice
  • 8AM – Breakfast
  • 830AM – Drive to practice
  • 9AM – Mat practice: technique (low to moderate intensity)
  • 11AM – Shower, drive home, lunch drive to lift
  • 1PM – Lift, drive home
  • 230PM – Answer emails, get work done, watch Netflix
  • 4PM – Relax and/or nap
  • 6PM – Eat, get ready for practice
  • 630PM – Drive to practice
  • 7PM – Mat practice: drilling and combat (high intensity)
  • 9PM – Home, eat
  • 10PM – Relax
  • 11PM – Sleep!

What gets you out of bed every morning?

The thought that by the end of the day, I’ll be a better version of myself than at the start.

What is your #1 wellness habit?

Staying in the present.

What is the best piece of health advice you’ve ever received?

“Nail your habits”. Our habits are everything, and they take time and effort to cultivate. Good habits are the key to a healthy and enjoyable lifestyle.

Whose “O” would you most love to see?

Michael Jordan’s O, because he is one of the all time greatest.

What is your favorite part about living a healthy lifestyle?

That my body feels good and my mind feels sharp, and both feel primed to reach new heights.

Describe your sleep ritual. What time do you go to bed? Do you do anything special to prepare?

I do my best to go to bed between 10-12AM, and wake up by 8AM. To prepare I usually shut off my cell phone’s wifi for the night, or put my phone in airplane mode. Additionally, I love the Sleep Cycle app. The app uses your cell phone’s microphone to monitor your sleep cycles, and wakes you up during your lighter sleep phases. I find this really helps me get my day going, as it can be tough to wake up from a deep sleep to an unpleasant blaring alarm sound.

What’s your biggest wellness challenge? How do you address it?

Not eating sugar! I LOVE cookies. I address it by allowing myself some when I’m dying for sweets, but otherwise not making it a habit. I find that when sugar is largely eliminated from my diet, I don’t crave it. And I function much better as a whole.

Victoria Anthony is Team USA Wrestler, Olympic Candidate, National Champion and 2X Junior World Champion. For more inspiration from Victoria, follow her on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat (@victorialacey). Support Vicki’s #RoadtoRio by supporting her fundraising campaign here.