This week, we continue our #StayHomeWorld campaign by featuring Shania Pensuk, an international student who graduated from the University of Southern California this past week! She is originally from Bangkok, Thailand and is at home right now due to COVID-19. Although her last semester at USC was nothing like she had originally expected, she is grateful that she has been able to spend more quality time with her family at home in Thailand. Shania enjoys animals, music, and reading, and she is looking forward to traveling once the pandemic is over!


Bangkok, Thailand

What’s your personal motto?

You spend so much time in your head, make sure it’s a happy place to be.

What’s your favorite vegetable?


What’s your favorite exercise?


What’s your favorite way to center?

Playing with pets

What’s your favorite book?

I Am Malala

What’s your favorite YouTube video?

Anything by Ryan Higa

What’s your favorite daily habit?

I need to have a lot of vegetables with every meal.

Shania Pensuk’s daily routine:

  • 11:00AM – Wake up
  • 12:00PM – Lunch/relax
  • 1:00PM – Read/play with dogs
  • 2:00PM – Job hunting
  • 6:00PM – Take dogs on walk/workout
  • 8:00PM – Dinner
  • 9:00PM – Spend time with family
  • 11:00PM – Get ready for bed
  • 12:00PM – Sleep

An Early End to University

Shania never expected her college semester to end at her childhood home in Bangkok, attending class from her computer. The abrupt transition from Los Angeles to Thailand was undoubtedly challenging at first, as she did not get a chance to say goodbye to many of her friends and professors. Additionally, having to suddenly pack everything from college and travel home to a different country was far from easy. Despite the chaos, Shania says she is grateful that she has been able to spend this time at home with her family and dog! One of her favorite ways to de-stress is by playing with her dog, who is always full of energy!

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