Sarah Buckheit is a personal trainer, runner, and spinning instructor from our nation’s capital. She inspires her clients daily to take control of their own health and not make excuses for skipping workouts. Check out her wellness planning philosophy:
Location: Washington D.C.
Personal Motto: Consistency is the key!
Favorite Vegetable: Broccoli
Favorite way to Center: Working in my garden.
Favorite Book: Born To Run by Christopher McDougall
Favorite Youtube Video: Anything from Studio Sweat.
What is the most important part of your daily routine?
Each day is different. I spend a good portion of my day motivating others to get fit so it is important for me to get a good workout in first. There are days this means a 3:00AM alarm but since it’s important, I do it!
What about your daily routine do you think is unique or special?
No excuses! If I wake up and don’t feel like doing my planned workout, I just do a lighter version. A habit is tough to form and easier to break. I always do something,
Whose “O” would you most love to see?
I would love to see US Olympic medalist Deena Kastor’s “O” because she is unstoppable and always has a big smile on her face. Easy to tell that she loves what she does and does it well!
What is your #1 wellness habit?
A variety of exercises! Lots of cardio and weight training. I am lucky that I enjoy it all so it gets done.
What is the best piece of health advice you’ve ever received?
Sleep! Eat! Our bodies are like cars – without proper fuel they are totally useless.
What is your favorite part about living a healthy lifestyle?
The aging process is going to happen, but a healthy lifestyle can help delay looking and feeling older.
If you could give one piece of health advice what would it be?
Start a fitness program early in life and do something that is enjoyable. Fitness does not have to be a chore. There are lots of options out there – just get up and move!
Sarah Buckheit is a Personal Trainer, Runner and Spinning Instructor.