As an Academy Award winning actress, producer, and entrepreneur, Reese Witherspoon continues to achieve resounding success in many different aspects of her life. This 43-year-old powerhouse is one of the greatest modern stars in Hollywood, famous for her roles in Legally Blonde and Sweet Home Alabama. When she isn’t working on movies, she is running Draper James, her own clothing line based off her southern roots.

Witherspoon is much more than simply a well-known Hollywood actress. She is a wife and mother of three, allocating much of her free time to spending time with her family. Growing up in New Orleans, much of her culture has been influenced by her southern upbringing. She displayed strong potential as an actress at the young age of 7. Witherspoon’s constant drive and ambition has allowed her to become a prominent name in Hollywood, and she is now one of the most well-known actresses of our generation.

“I have been ambitious all my life. In fact, I vividly remember telling my third-grade teacher that I wanted to be the first female president of the United States. Ambition is simply a drive inside of you—it’s having a curiosity or a new idea and the desire to pursue it.”

Here is what Reese Witherspoon’s daily routine looks like:

  • 6AM – Wake up, drink coffee, read the news
  • 7:30AM – Exercise
  • 9AM – Time for work
  • 12:30 – Lunch break
  • 1:30 PM – More work at the office
  • 3 PM – Walk the dogs
  • 4PM – Pick kids up from school
  • 5:30PM – Family dinner
  • 7 PM – Hang out with family
  • 8PM – Put 7-year-old son to bed
  • 9 PM – Read or watch a movie
  • 10 PM – Get ready for bed
  • 10:30 – Bedtime


Witherspoon can’t go a day without caffeine. Every morning she starts her day with a warm cup of coffee, adding oat milk to her morning brew. She also loves fueling herself with Kim Snyder’s Glowing Green Smoothie, which includes a mix of leafy greens, bananas, and lemon juice. In the morning, Witherspoon practices intermittent fasting, which is why she often sticks to coffee and juice.

It is no secret that Witherspoon is influenced by her southern roots. One of her favorite meals is fried chicken, biscuits, corn bread, and coconut layer cake. She even recently published a book Whiskey in a Tea Cup, which is filled with traditional southern recipes passed down from her grandma Dorothea.

Family Time

Reese Witherspoon is not only a famous actress, but also a wife and mother to three kids. Despite her demanding work schedule and busy daily routine, she makes sure to prioritize family time, placing an emphasis on her family eating dinner together.

“As much as you possibly can, have family dinner together. Even if it has to shift later because they’re going soccer practice … or whatever they’re doing. It’s important for them to be able to feel good at a table and share their day.”

Winding Down

A few hours before bed, Witherspoon takes time to relax. After putting her 7-year-old son to bed at 8, she relaxes by reading or watching TV for two hours. Some of the shows she loves include The Crown, Marvelous Ms. Maisel, and Queer Eye. Every night before bed, Witherspoon completes her five-step skin care routine. Wearing her fluffy white robe, she removes her makeup, and applies a combination of moistures, serums, and face wash to ensure her face is clean and renewed before she goes to bed.

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