Owaves’s next special feature from the #StayHomeWorld campaign is Nakita Aliya Zaffar Giles, a college student from Melbourne, Australia pursuing a degree in criminology! Although right now Nakita can’t enjoy warm beaches and exciting city life of Melbourne, she has found other ways to make the most of this time. She enjoys running through the empty streets, cooking new recipes from her cookbooks, and taking time out of her day to simply relax.


Melbourne, Australia

What’s your personal motto?

Comparison is the thief of joy.

What’s your favorite vegetable?


What’s your favorite exercise?

High Intensity Workouts

What’s your favorite way to center?

Watching TV

What’s your favorite book?

Any cookbook

What’s your favorite Youtube video?

Bon Appétit videos

Nakita’s daily routine:

  • 7:45AM – Wake up
  • 8AM – Workout
  • 9AM – Breakfast
  • 9:30AM – Work on assignments/Browse internet
  • 11:30AM – Go for a long walk/jog
  • 1:30PM – Lunch
  • 2PM – Clean up the house/Organize
  • 3PM – Have a snack/tea and relax
  • 4PM – Work on assignments/Browse internet
  • 6PM – Cook dinner and eat
  • 7PM – Relax with roommates
  • 9PM – Watch some TV/netflix
  • 10PM – Organize the following day/Write a to do list
  • 10:30PM – Sleep

Daily Exercise

Exercise is a key part of Nakita’s daily routine. Nakita starts off her day with exercise, getting her heart rate up and mind prepared for the day ahead. She often goes on runs, does high intensity exercises, or goes surfing at the nearby beaches. Right before lunch she likes to exercise again, giving herself a mid-day break. By exercising throughout the day, Nakita is able to stay active and take a break from work.

Nightly Rituals

Each night before bed, Nakita writes a to-do list of what she wants to accomplish the next day. This activity helps her plan out the day ahead to ensure that she can accomplish everything she needs to during the day. It is also a great way for her to take a few minutes to wind down before bedtime.

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