Meet Mikaela Horvath, a Senior Community Developer at Owaves! Mikaela has lived in San Diego, California all of her life. Back in spring 2018, during her last semester of college, she was an intern at Owaves before graduating from SDSU with a Bachelor of Arts in Rhetoric and Writing Studies! Mikaela is enthusiastic about combining the written word with effective visuals to tell a compelling story. Additionally, she loves to dance and teach dance. Presently, she teaches ballet and contemporary dance to kids (outside, due to the pandemic!) and occasionally subs tap and jazz classes as well. She loves helping kids grow in their dance skills and seeing them become more confident in themselves!


San Diego, CA

What’s your personal motto?

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.”  ~Melody Beattie

What’s your favorite vegetable?


What’s your favorite exercise?

Dancing, especially ballet and contemporary dance

What’s your favorite way to relax?

Listening to music

What’s your favorite book?

The Hiding Place: The Triumphant True Story of Corrie Ten Boom

What’s your favorite YouTube video?

I enjoy Kathryn Morgan’s YouTube videos, which provide clear explanations of ballet steps and ballet technique.

What’s your favorite part about Owaves?

I love how the different wellness activities you can incorporate into your day (e.g., sleep, relaxation, exercise, nutrition, work, etc.) are all color-coded and that you can use any kind of emoji you want to represent them. I also love how you can rename activities so that they have more specific names (e.g., “Dance” instead of “Move”).

What is the biggest challenge Owaves helped you overcome?

Prioritizing my most important tasks each day and getting those accomplished

Who would you most like to sync with on Owaves?

Carrie Underwood!

Mikaela’s daily routine:

  • 9:00 AM Wake Up & Eat Breakfast (Usually Scrambled Eggs!)
  • 10:00 AM Owaves’ Work
  • 12:00 PM Put on Dance Attire & Tidy My Room
  • 1:00 PM Prep for Teaching Dance
  • 2:30 PM Eat Lunch
  • 4:00 PM Start Teaching Dance Outside
  • 6:00 PM Finish Teaching & Drive Home
  • 7:00 PM Eat Dinner & Pray with Family
  • 8:00 PM Watch an Episode of Monk
  • 9:00 PM Owaves’ Work
  • 11:00 PM Chill & Listen to Music
  • 12:00 AM Shower & Prep for Bed
  • 1:00 AM Write Down 10 Things I’m Grateful for
  • 2:00 AM Catch Some Zzzzs

Fostering an Attitude of Gratitude

Mikaela’s goal each day is to foster an attitude of gratitude because being consciously grateful for her blessings, both big and small, helps her find profound joy in life. During the pandemic, she has gotten into the habit of writing down 10 items she’s grateful for right before going to sleep. This has helped boost her spirits during this challenging time and go to bed with a heart that is thankful and a mind that is more at peace.

Connecting with Loved Ones Virtually

Another habit that Mikaela has practiced this year with her immediate family is praying with her grandma, godmother, and godmother’s mom via Zoom at around 7 p.m. each evening. Due to the pandemic and physical distancing, she has not been able to visit in-person with loved ones. Having this regular virtual prayer time with loved ones allows her to still stay connected to those who mean so much to her, while praying for our world and replenishing her mind and soul.

Mikaela is looking forward to the release of Owaves’ new Social version, which allows you to virtually build your own Moai, or community of family and friends, through its #MyMoai feature. As part of this feature, you can see and gain inspiration from loved ones’ day plans and inspire them with your own! Be among the first to test out the beta by visiting!

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