Michellie Jones is an Australian triathlete whose most recent accomplishments include induction into the Australian Sports Hall of Fame, International Triathlon Union (ITU) Hall of Fame, and Triathlon Australia Hall of Fame. Michellie’s awesome track record includes an Ironman World Championship and an Olympic Silver Medal. She has big love for horses and all things fitness.


Carlsbad, California

Favorite Fruit or Vegetable:


Personal Motto?

Dream it… Believe it… Live it!

Favorite Book:

I actually love reading autobiographies

Favorite Exercise:

Swim, Bike, Running, and riding my horse.

Favorite Way to Center:

Walking my dog Max “The Mini Pin”.

Michellie’s Daily Routine:

  • 520AM – Wake up and stretch
  • 6AM – Run 60min
  • 715AM – Breakfast of oatmeal and blueberries
  • 830AM-1030AM – Multitask, run multiple cycles of muscle stimulation and work on computer
  • 1030AM-1230PM – Ride my horse
  • 1230-1PM – Lunch of egg whites with broccoli and avocado on wheat toast
  • 1-3PM – Work on computer
  • 3-415PM – Bike ride on Wahoo Kickr
  • 415-430PM – Protein shake
  • 430-5PM – Walk my dog Max
  • 5-530PM – Stretch and exercises
  • 530-630PM – Dinner
  • 630-9PM – Spend time relaxing
  • 9PM – Snooze

What about your daily routine is special?

Consistency and balance and not being afraid to let something go if it doesn’t fit.

What is your favorite highlight of the day?

I definitely love spending time with friends, munching on homemade tacos (my friend Raja makes the best)… and drinking a great margarita with freshly squeezed limes.

What is your favorite part about living a healthy lifestyle?

The ability to get out and feel good.

Describe your sleep ritual.

I am early to bed so I like to have dinner before 7pm…Take Max for a walk and then read a good book before lights are out by 9am.

What’s your biggest wellness challenge? How do you address it?

I have to admit I am a little bit of a sugar addict so I try not eat anything with added sugar unless it’s a treat.

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

Knowing its good to get the day started and lots to accomplish.

What is the most important part of your daily routine?

Maybe not the most important, but going to the barn is a great way to chill out and not worry about what’s happening in the world.

What is your #1 wellness habit?

If you don’t use it you lose it. I like to start my day with some type of physical activity… I find I am more productive that way and it makes me smile.

What is the best piece of health advice you’ve ever received?

Take care of yourself. It’s the small things you do, like drinking enough water and eating everything in moderation.

Tell us about a time you were stuck in an unhealthy cycle and how you got out of it. What was the main inspiration for positive change?

I try to do everything in moderation, so it’s a little easier to keep balance. When you completely deprive yourself, that’s when you usually fall off the wagon. If you do fall off the wagon, make adjustments to counterbalance it.

If you could give one piece of health advice to children, what would it be and why?

Enjoy life by being healthy, happy and honest with yourself.

Michellie Jones is an Australian Triathlete, Olympic Silver Medalist, and Ironman World Champion. For more tips from Michellie, follow her on: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.