Mariya Koroleva is a Team USA Synchronized Swimmer, 2X Olympian and Stanford alum. She competes in the duet with teammate Anita Alvarez and finished among the top ten at Rio 2016.

Mariya’s been swimming for 17 years and has been on the national team for nine. She is a proud graduate of Stanford University with a bachelor’s degree in communications and is working on a master’s degree in sport management from the University of San Francisco. She loves chocolate, cross stitching, scented candles and sunsets…

Location: Walnut Creek, CA

Favorite Exercise: Lifting weights.

Favorite Vegetable: Broccoli

Favorite Way to Center: Meditation

Personal Motto: “It’s not every four years, it’s every day.”

Mariya’s Daily Routine:

  • 6AM – Training
  • 7AM – Breakfast
  • 8AM – Work
  • 12PM – Lunch
  • 1PM – Work
  • 630PM – Dinner
  • 730PM – Relax, Read
  • 1030PM – Sleep

What is the most important part of your daily routine?

Waking up early. If I sleep in on weekdays I am not very productive!

What is your #1 wellness habit?

Working out at least four times per week.

Whose “O” would you most love to see?

5X Olympic medalist and 2008 individual all-around gymnastics champion for Team USA, Nastia Liukin. Not only is she an Olympic champion, she has incredible grace and poise.

What is your favorite part about living a healthy lifestyle?

Looking and feeling great!

Describe your sleep ritual.

I try to always get eight hours of sleep. Anything less than that and I am irritable, sleepy and unproductive. I try to go to bed around 10 or 1030PM every night to ensure that I can still wake up early the next day. I like to read right before bed, which helps me fall asleep faster.

What’s your biggest wellness challenge?

Eating more vegetables. I am super picky with which vegetables I like, but I try to include them in at least one meal every day.

If you could give one piece of health advice to your future kids, what would it be?

You only have one body, so treat it well. If you want to perform at your best, you have to fuel your body correctly and take the time to take care of yourself.