Be a Healthy Entrepreneur

As an entrepreneur in the life coaching and fitness industry, it’s important to stand out while remaining true to self. I am constantly checking in and making sure that I am on MY purpose-driven path, which is the only right path. For me, following my purpose is a constant re-arrival of self every single day. When I wake up, I am born new. I meditate, I pray, and I connect to my purpose every morning so that I remain true to myself and can authentically share what I am called to do.

My purpose in this world is to heal others. The way in which I am called to do so changes and shifts. All the time. In all ways. I remain open to whatever calls, however it shows up, and then I take action accordingly. Currently I’ve been helping others break down barriers through yoga, meditation, coaching, energy healing, and simply being a friend.

My best advice for any entrepreneur in the fitness or health industry is to never give up and to DO YOU. If you are being called to help others change their lives, you MUST go for it! We need you in this world, each and every one of you.

Stay on Your A-Game!

I currently teach fifteen yoga classes per week, lead yoga teacher trainings, organize international yoga retreats, and am actively launching the life coaching aspect of my brand.

I am a strong believer in goal-setting and manifestation which is why I love life coaching so much! Just four years ago my biggest goal was to lead teacher trainings and now I’m leading my fifth yoga teacher training program through CorePower Yoga. Talk about dreams coming true!

I believe being self-employed is a learned skill that requires a lot of self-control and organization. It’s important to take care of your own health while finding balance between running a rocking and successful business.

Six Tips for Keeping a Balanced Life as an Entrepreneur

  1. Always put Relationships First
  2. Spend Time Outdoors to Reset + Refresh
  3. Maintain your Own Personal Practice + Workouts
  4. Eat Healthy, Balanced Meals to Stay Energized
  5. Designate specific hours to Work + to NOT Work
  6. When you’re not working, completely Unplug, Turn Off your Phone + Stay Present for the People In Your Life

My Typical Monday:

  • 630AM/ Wake Up
    + a few pages of my book
  • 7AM/ Coffee Shop
    + work on my Coaching Brand
  • 9AM/ Teach Yoga Class
  • 1030AM/ Take Yoga
    @ Local Studio
  • 1PM/ Beach
    or Lunch w/ a Friend
  • 3PM/ Afternoon Run
    + Finish up Coaching Work
  • 6PM/ Teach Yoga Class
  • 730PM/ Cook Dinner
    w/ my Boyfriend
  • 10PM/ Read
    + Bedtime

By Marissa Rose, Life Coach, Yoga Instructor and Entrepreneur.