Kayla Kuhnemann is an Australian triathlete and schoolteacher from the Gold Coast. She finds inspiration through fellow triathletes, and depends on healthy relationships to keep her balance. Learn how this wellness all-star plans her day:

Location: Gold Coast, Australia

Favorite Exercise: Swimming! Clears the mind, gets the heart pumping and refreshes the body.

Favorite Way to Center: Going for walks with my dog along the beach and switch off from the hustle of a busy day.

Favorite Fruit or Vegetable: Strawberries! I could eat them all day every day!

Personal Motto: It’s hard to beat someone who doesn’t give in.

Favorite Book: Australian Olympian Sally Pearson’s Biography, Believe.

What gets you out of bed every morning?

The awesome people in my life and the goals I want to achieve! I love that I get to wake up and train with friends and then be at work encouraging and inspiring young minds to be keen, active learners.

Every day is a new opportunity to get closer and closer to things I want to achieve.

What is the most important part of your daily routine?

My “O” is pretty routine, to help me fit in work and training and keep the balance as much as possible. I think the most important part of my busy lifestyle is making sure there is time for exercise and relaxation – it’s what keeps me sane! Being a teacher requires a lot of energy and I find that if I train before work I am always more ready for the day. No matter how busy your day is I really think that starting or finishing your day with some kind of exercise helps to create balance each day.

What is unique or special about your daily routine?

While I am sure there are many people out there that find the time to be active in some way or another I think my “O” is special because I start and finish my day not only being active but doing it surrounded by great friends. This helps to make training feel more like a catch up with friends than hard work.

Whose “O” would you most love to see?

I would love to see Emma Moffatt’s “O”. I have always been inspired by her journey in triathlon.

What is your #1 wellness habit?

Eating! I know there are a number of aspects to wellness but if I’m eating and nourishing my body right I feel good and the rest falls into place.

What is the best piece of health advice you’ve ever received?

Balance, it’s all about balance. Work hard, but stay active in the ways you enjoy most, eat well but treat yourself and always find time to switch off.

What is your favorite part about living a healthy lifestyle?

It would have to be the positive and energetic way of life it promotes and people it surrounds you with. Moving and eating well brings on the positive vibes and attracts like minded people! I have met and been inspired by so many people.

What’s your biggest wellness challenge? How do you address it?

Learning how to juggle study, work and a social life all while staying active and healthy. It took a lot of time, trial and error. What worked? Planning and prioritizing ! It is so easy to become consumed by the stresses of work but once I began to plan ahead and make the time for exercise it all started to fall into place. I find now I am more productive when I am at work and have less to take home.

What would your one piece of health advice be?

Again, keep the balance, it is ALWAYS possible!

Life is more than work, we shouldn’t live to work and while it is necessary it shouldn’t be at the disadvantage of our own well being. Find the balance in the smallest ways, do the things you love and surround yourself with the people that encourage, inspire and motivate you. Having the balance allows your to enjoy and live every aspect of your life in a healthy way, whether it be work, rest or play!

Kayla Kuhnemann is a Triathlete and Teacher. For more inspiration from Kayla, follow her on Instagram.