This week, Owaves travels nearly half way around the globe to feature Julián Enciso Izquierdo, a student from Barcelona, Spain. Julian is a 4th-year International Business student at the University of California, San Diego, however he had to return home due to COVID-19 and is now taking online classes. Aside from his interest in international business, Julian loves learning new languages and studying finance. He also enjoys expanding his comfort zone, which has motivated him to travel all around the world and experience many different cultures.



What’s your personal motto?

Atopisimo. It means making the most out of every day and trying to use every moment of this precious life to grow personally or professionally. 

What’s your favorite vegetable?


What’s your favorite exercise?


What’s your favorite way to center?


What’s your favorite book?

The Feast of the Goat, by Mario Vargas Llosa

What’s your favorite Youtube video?


Julián’s daily routine:

  • 7am – Wake up and work out
  • 8:30am – breakfast with relaxing music
  • 9am – Study financial modeling
  • 10:30am – Apply for jobs
  • 1pm – Lunch
  • 1:30pm – Meditation
  • 2pm – Read
  • 3pm – Job-related tasks
  • 4:30pm – Buy groceries
  • 5:30pm – study German
  • 6:30pm – eat a snack
  • 7pm – email and WhatsApp answering
  • 7:30pm – Class
  • 9pm – Dinner
  • 10pm – Class

Maximizing Productivity

Julián emphasizes making the most out of every day, which has motivated him to stay productive. From taking a full load of classes to working out, relaxing, and studying, he is able to accomplish a lot in a single day. This is possible because of the daily schedule that he follows each day. By planning his daily routine ahead of time, he ensures that he is able to prioritize health and wellbeing while having a productive day.

Taking Time To Relax

Despite having such a busy daily routine, Julián makes sure to reserve time each day for relaxation. After his morning workout, he spends 30 minutes eating breakfast and listening to relaxing music, which relieves stress and allows him to be prepared for his day ahead. Additionally, after lunch he meditates, giving his mind and body a mid-day break before classes and work.

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