Jamie Subandhi is a Team USA Olympic Badminton player who competes in the women’s singles and mixed doubles categories. In mixed doubles, she is usually partnered with fellow Olympian Phillip Chew. The two first started playing together when Subandhi was ten years-old and Chew was five!

The two won gold in the mixed doubles category at the 2015 Pan American Games, while Jamie also picked up a bronze medal in women’s singles. She’s ranked #52 worldwide in singles, and #24 with her partner. Unfortunately, Subandhi and Chew got knocked out of Group D at Rio 2016, losing to South Korea, Japan and the Netherlands.

Born in Long Beach, California, Jamie Subandhi was raised in Westminster. Her father used to coach her at every badminton tournament. Subandhi attended UCLA, where she studied Physiological Science and served as Badminton Club President and Tournament Director President.

Location: Westminster, CA

Favorite Exercise: Running

Favorite Vegetable: Spinach

Favorite Way to Center: Close my eyes and focus on my breath.

Favorite Book: Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom

Personal Motto: If better is possible, good is not enough.

Jamie Subandhi’s Day Plan:

  • 530AM – Breakfast
  • 630AM – Weight Training or Running
  • 8AM – Recovery Smoothie
  • 9AM – Agility and Core Training
  • 12PM – Lunch
  • 1PM – Nap
  • 4PM – Badminton Session
  • 7PM – Dinner
  • 930PM – Sleep

What gets you out of bed every morning?

One of my favorite quotes, “Success is not a matter of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire,” by Fred Shero [the Canadian professional ice hockey coach].

What is the most important part of your daily routine?

Getting ready in the morning is extremely important to me. Waking up with a purpose – whatever goal you have for that day – and getting a good breakfast in sets the tone for the whole day. It gets the momentum going.

What is your #1 wellness habit?

Stretching and core workouts. Keeping a strong core keeps me quick. Stretching keep me mobile and ready to go for the next bout.

What is the best piece of health advice you’ve ever received?

Focus on whole grain carbs, lean protein and high intake of vegetables!

What is your favorite part about living a healthy lifestyle?

The energy! Having a healthy lifestyle helps me have more energy and it helps me tone my body too.

Whose “O” would you most love to see?

Serena Williams.

Describe your sleep ritual.

I aim for a bedtime of 9 PM and usually end up sleeping around 9:30 PM. If I have trouble sleeping, I’ll use the essential oil Lavender from DoTerra to help me sleep by putting it in my diffuser and putting it on my pulse points.

Tell us about a time you were stuck in an unhealthy cycle and how you got out of it. What was the main inspiration for positive change?

My biggest weaknesses are instant ramen and desserts. A diet that routinely consists of these two things is a recipe for disaster.

Plus, I could tell it was inhibiting my performance and that this really needed to change if I wanted my performance to change. It took a lot of determination to really set myself up for a successful healthy lifestyle.

I meal prepped on the weekends and made sure I had healthy snacks for times I would get hungry during the day. At first it was really difficult to make plans and prepare everything. However, after a while, it became easier and more of a habit or ritual rather than a chore.

You really figure out what you like to eat and what works for you and discovering that about yourself is really key to that lifestyle change.

Jamie Subandhi is an Olympic Team USA Badminton Player and UCLA graduate. For more inspiration from Jamie, follow her on Instagram and Facebook.