Erik Hagberg has a big goal, to run 100 meters in less than 10 seconds.

The Swedish sprinter’s current record is 10.15 seconds since 2018. If he succeeds, he will be the first Swedish runner to break the 10-second barrier. Despite not surpassing his previous records in recent years, Erik continues to be a significant competitor in the 4×100 meters relay, representing Sweden in various national and international meets​. Today he is training harder than ever, balancing workouts, nutrition, and sleep using top technologies.

Apart from his athletics career, Erik is deeply passionate about music. He has actively maintained a YouTube channel where he shares his musical journey. Erik’s channel features original compositions, covers of popular songs, and live performances. This creative outlet allows him to express himself and maintain a balance between the intense demands of his athletic career and his love for music.

Location: Uppsala, Sweden

Personal Motto: Impossible is nothing.

Favorite Fruit or Vegetable: Avocado

Favorite Way to Center: Playing the piano, I find it to be very relaxing and rejuvenating for my mind.

What gets you out of bed every morning? 

Every morning I wake up to prove to myself that I can create my own future. I want my journey to inspire others to reach their goals.

Tell us about your daily routine:

09:00 – 10:30 AM: I wake up and do an Omegawave test, which is a system that tests my central nervous, cardiac, and metabolic systems to give me information on my body’s recovery status. After that, I eat a steady breakfast which usually consists of yogurt with cereal, nuts, fruits and berries as well as a ham sandwich.

11:30 AM – 1:30 PM: Training time! My workouts vary every day. Right after training, I eat my second meal of the day which usually consists of a banana and a glass of milk. When I come home from my workout, I eat a full lunch.

2 – 4 PM: After my lunch it’s time for me to study and answer emails. I also work with  my website, where I blog, promote the charities I work with, and connect with sponsors.

5 – 6 PM: In the afternoon, I meet my physical therapist and my masseuse to keep my muscles in good shape.

7 PM: Dinner time! My dinner is rich in protein and vitamins, while pretty low in carbs, especially during the track season.

8 – 10:30 PM: Time to relax. During this time, I hang out with my friends, study, or play the piano.

What’s the most important part of your day?

The most important part of my daily routine is to be present mentally in everything I do. I try to stay in the moment, no matter what.

What about your day helps you keep your edge?

The best thing about my day is that I get to do what I love, every day. Because of what I do, I literally feel that I’m getting better and better each day, which is incredibly fulfilling.

I also get the chance to travel the world when I go to training camps and competitions. I feel privileged to have seen so many different cultures and to meet great people from around the world.

Whose “O” Would You Most Like to See?

Usain Bolt. He is the fastest human that has ever lived and since my goal is to reach his level, it would be really interesting to see how his daily schedule looks. I think I could learn a lot from him, not just because he has reached the top but because he has stayed focused and stayed at the top for such a long time.

What is the best part of your healthy lifestyle?

The best thing about being healthy is the way you feel.

You wake up strong, both mentally and physically. When I’m really healthy I feel like I can tackle any problem or obstacle that comes my way. It doesn’t just feel like this; it really is this way. Whether you think you can or can’t do something, you’re probably right and when you’re healthy you think you can do everything.

Tell us about a time you were stuck in an unhealthy cycle and how you got out of it. What was the main inspiration for positive change?

A few years ago, I was answering some standard questions about my nutrition. I realized that some of my eating habits were really bad. After that, I decided to stop eating sweets, white bread, ketchup, and other products with a lot of sugar. The first three weeks were the toughest and boy, there were moments I just wanted to fill my stomach with unhealthy food. But I know that if I want to be the best, I must eat healthfully. I kept reminding myself that this will pay off in the future.

Seven months later, I set a national junior record in the 100-meter run with the time 10.42 seconds in Rieti, Italy. The same season, I was named Europe’s fastest 18-year-old 100-meter runner. Now I stay away from unhealthy food with a big smile on my face!

What one piece of health advice would you give?

Follow your dreams, believe in yourself, and don’t ever give up. I believe we should live our lives this way.

Having a commitment to pursuing our dreams is healthy, not only for us but for those around us. For when we have dreams, we’re more alive, vibrant, and hopeful of a better future. When we look ahead in hope, it inspires others, and in turn, gives them permission to dream too.

Erik Hagberg is a Nordic Champion and Professional Track & Field Star. For more inspiration from Erik, follow him on Facebook and Instagram.

Originally published December 3, 2015