Meet Calo Huang, a community developer at Owaves! Calo is currently in Canberra, Australia where he is pursuing a master’s in Science Communications. His passion for health and circadian rhythms is not only reflected in his work at university and Owaves, but also in his day-to-day life. Calo makes sure to incorporate exercise and relaxation into his daily routine to maintain his physical and mental health. Calo loves to play basketball and run for his exercise and play with his cat and video games to wind down after work.



What’s your personal motto?

All types of knowledge ultimately mean self-knowledge.

What’s your favorite vegetable?


What’s your favorite exercise?


What’s your favorite way to relax?

Playing with my cat

What’s your favorite book?

One Hundred Years of Solitude 

What’s your favorite YouTube video?

How would you describe Owaves to family or friends?

Great way to plan your day.

What is your favorite part about Owaves?


What is your favorite daily habit?


What is the biggest challenge Owaves helped you overcome?


Who would you most like to sync with on Owaves?

My partner

Calo Huang’s daily routine:

  • 9:00 AM Breakfast
  • 9:30 AM Work
  • 1:00 PM Lunch
  • 2:00 PM Work
  • 5:00 PM Exercise
  • 7:00 PM Dinner
  • 8:00 PM Work
  • 10:30 PM Shower
  • 11:00 PM Relax and Sleep

Emphasis on Social Support Systems

Calo places great value in his relationships, as his support system has helped him overcome stressful periods in his life. With the current COVID-19 pandemic, Calo makes sure to check in on his family and friends and dedicate time towards connecting and socializing with them. He also enjoys sharing and reflecting on his day with his partner as it allows them to support each other mentally and emotionally.

With social distancing in place, social cues that normally drive our daily routines have become more obscure. We no longer have a clear understanding of what other people are doing since many physical institutions and workplaces that normally drive our behaviors have shut down. Staying connected with our support systems during this time can help us better cope with the struggles of social isolation, such as loneliness and lack of routine. By seeing what our loved ones are doing, we can help each other plan more productive and healthier daily routines!

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