Bob Troia is a New York City-based technology entrepreneur, biohacker, and self-quantification geek focused on the intersection of data-driven citizen science, health and wellness, human performance, longevity, and personal optimization.

“Hack, track, analyze, optimize, rinse, repeat,” comes from his background in software development, where concepts such as iterative software development and “lean startup” methodology have emerged. He seeks to not only continuously gain new insights about himself but also challenge and reshape previously held beliefs.


New York City, NY.

What’s your favorite vegetable?

Broccoli (I would have said avocado but that’s a fruit!).

What’s your motto?

Hack. Track. Analyze. Optimize. Rinse. Repeat.

What’s your favorite Youtube Video?

(my band’s new album!)

What’s your favorite exercise?


What’s your favorite way to center?

Detach from technology for a few days.

Bob’s Daily Routine:

  • 7am – sex, coffee
  • 8am – 9am sunlight review data, check email and news
  • 9am-10am shower, breath work & light therapy, commute
  • 10am-1pm work
  • 1pm-2pm lunch outside (ideally with friends)
  • 2pm-5pm work (meetings, coaching, etc)
  • 5pm-7pm exercise and recovery
  • 7pm-8pm dinner (home) or friends (out)
  • 8pm-10pm work (programming, writing)
  • 10pm-11pm unwind (reading, music, watch tv)
  • 11pm-7am sleep

What gets you out of bed every morning?

The smell of fresh-brewed coffee and being excited about my work.

What is the most important part of your daily routine?

Going to bed and getting up the same time every day.

What about your “O” (or day plan) do you think is unique or special?

I break up my work into several “blocks” throughout the day.

Whose “O” (or day plan) would you most love to see?

Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk.

What is your #1 wellness habit?

Don’t get emotionally stressed out about meaningless shit.

What is the best piece of health advice you’ve ever received?

Find your tribe and surround yourself with positive people you love to be around.

What is your favorite part of living a healthy lifestyle?

The pharmaceutical industry makes no money off of me.

Describe your sleep ritual. What time do you go to bed?

Start unwinding several hours before bed. Minimize/eliminate blue light with blue-blocking glasses, etc.

What’s your biggest wellness challenge? How do you address it?

I have a daily practice of positive thinking, of not listening to fear, and of being happy. Some days this practice is more challenging than others. On my most challenging days, I listen to everything that comes up, I address it, and I’m gentle with myself.

If you could give one piece of health advice to your family, what would it be and why?

Bank your stem cells now!!

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Bob Troia is is a New York City-based technology entrepreneur, biohacker, and self-quantification geek focused on the intersection of data-driven citizen science, health and wellness, human performance, longevity, and personal optimization. Check out Bob’s work on his website, and follow Bob on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.