Owaves begins its #StayAtHomeWorldWide campaign by featuring Anahita Jafary, who is a second-year college student and influencer from Orange County, California. Although many aspects of Anahita’s daily routine have changed over the past few weeks, she has adapted and found new passions to fill her free time! She is a huge foodie and has recently been trying out new recipes and also has her own YouTube and TikTok profiles, where she creates and shares videos. In the future, Anahita hopes to travel and become a news reporter one day!
Orange County, California
What’s your personal motto?
“Everything happens for a reason”
What’s your favorite vegetable?
Zucchini and edamame
What’s your favorite exercise?
What’s your favorite way to center?
Driving down Pacific Coast Highway during sunset and listening to music.
What’s your favorite book?
Anne Frank
What’s your favorite Youtube video?
I love watching prank videos.
Anahita’s daily routine:
- 11:45am – Workout
- 12:45pm – Eat
- 1:45pm – Online class, make YouTube videos, student government meetings
- 5pm – Cook & eat
- 6:30 – Watch a movie with my family
- 8:30 – Make Tik Toks
- 9:30pm – Make a snack
- 10pm – Edit videos
- 12am – Watch TV
- 3:15am – Sleep
Working Out
Anahita prioritizes working out every morning in her daily routine. Although she would typically go to the gym, she now works out in her backyard. She also enjoys hiking and often goes to the parks around her house to get some fresh air and exercise.
Anahita has always wanted to start her own Youtube channel after spending many years on the popular Youtube channel called “Teens React.” She decided that now it the perfect time to do so, given this is something that she can easily do from her own home!