Adeline Gray is a 2X Olympian, 6X World Champion, and 6X world team member of Women’s Freestyle Wrestling. After winning her ninth medal at the Senior World Championships in Sept. 2023, after giving birth to twins, Adeline tied the record most Senior World Championship medals in women’s wrestling history. According to her bio on the official Team USA web site, Adeline is one of the top wrestlers in U.S History with the most Senior World Championships Gold Medalists regardless of style or gender.

The fact that she is one of the top wrestlers in the U.S History is not a total surprise. “I’ve been working hard for years. This has been me getting better for eight years. It’s been a great thing to know it’s coming to that peak right now.” Adeline points to her ability to plan long-term and strong willingness to be an inspiration for the next generation for her leading position heading into the games. “The platform’s kind of set up through wrestling and this culture we have that’s budding with women’s sports being more important and pushing to have more role models for young girls.”

Adeline is the oldest of four sisters, two of which are wrestlers and soccer players. Her husband is a captain in the U.S. Army and can be seen in the stands wearing a classic “Gray to Gold” T-shirt. Her father, a police officer in Denver, and her uncle introduced her to the sport of wrestling as a youth when she used to win competitions against boys her age. Adeline considers her family the “bedrock” of her wrestling success.

Location: Colorado Springs, CO

Favorite Exercise: Bicycle

Favorite Healthy Snack: Chicken Fajitas

Favorite Way to Center: Spending time w/ family playing cards.

Favorite YouTube Video: Ten Minute Abs

Personal Motto: Hard work pays off.

Day in the Life preparing for the Rio Summer Olympic Games:

  • 7 AM – Breakfast (i.e. oatmeal)
  • 8:30 AM – Prehab
  • 9 AM – Wrestling Practice
  • 12 PM – Lunch
  • 2 PM – Meditation
  • 4 PM – Weightlifting
  • 6 PM – Dinner
  • 9 PM – Stretch & Recovery (i.e. compression pants or ice)
  • 10 PM – Bedtime

What gets you out of bed every morning?

The dream of an Olympic gold medal, my family, and my wonderful husband!

What is the most important part of your daily routine?

Consistency of effort – with workouts, with food, with sleep, with hydration, with mental stability.

What wellness result are you most proud of?

That I excelled in a male-dominated world of wrestling and am now reaching new heights in women’s Olympic style professional sports.

Whose “O” would you most love to see?

My mom when she was my age! She tells stories about herself as a girl that seem so different from the great mom I know.

What is your #1 wellness habit?


What is the best piece of health advice you’ve ever received?

Stay hydrated.

What is your favorite part about living a healthy lifestyle?

Enjoying workouts.

Tell us about a time you were stuck in an unhealthy cycle and how you got out of it. What was the main inspiration for positive change?

I got into a habit of eating a box of Oreos a week and I broke it by having an honest conversation with myself about how bad the habit was for me. Then I made a plan to change it and reminded myself of my goals every time I wanted to fall back into the habit.

If you could give one piece of health advice, what would it be?

Stay hydrated.

Adeline Gray is a 6X World Champion Wrestler and USA Olympian. For more inspiration from Adeline, follow her on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, and check out her website Adeline Gray.