
Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) was a leading figure in the development of the Impressionist style, known for his vibrant light and saturated color. His early works were typically impressionist snapshots of real life, full of sparkling color and light. Later in his career, he focused on more defined forms and classical portraiture. Living primarily in Paris, Renoir spent much of his life in Montmartre, an area famous for its artistic community. He later moved to the south of France, seeking a warmer climate for his rheumatoid arthritis. Renoir was deeply connected to his family, often drawing inspiration from his wife, Aline Charigot, and their three sons, Pierre, Jean, and Claude. His everyday setting was a mix of the bustling urban life of Paris and the serene landscapes of the French countryside.

Morning: Inspiration and Creativity

5:30 AM – Early Rise and Meditation: Renoir starts his day early, enjoying the serene morning atmosphere. He begins with a few minutes of meditation to clear his mind and focus his thoughts for the day ahead. This quiet time allows him to connect with his inner creativity and find inspiration for his work.

6:00 AM – Morning Walk: Renoir believes in the importance of physical activity to keep his mind and body in sync. He takes a leisurely walk through the gardens and streets of Paris, soaking in the beauty of the natural world around him. This walk often serves as a source of inspiration for his paintings.

7:00 AM – Light Breakfast: After his walk, Renoir enjoys a simple breakfast, typically consisting of fresh bread, cheese, and fruit, accompanied by a cup of coffee. He uses this time to review his sketches and plan his work for the day.

Late Morning: Immersed in Art

8:00 AM – Painting Session: With his energy levels high, Renoir heads to his studio to begin his first painting session of the day. Surrounded by his brushes, canvases, and vibrant colors, he immerses himself in his art, often working on multiple pieces at once. His focus and dedication during these hours are unparalleled.

12:00 PM – Lunchtime Break: Renoir takes a break from his work to enjoy a hearty lunch. He often dines with fellow artists and friends, engaging in lively discussions about art, philosophy, and life. These interactions fuel his creativity and provide new perspectives for his work.

Afternoon: Continued Creativity

1:30 PM – Sketching Outdoors: In the afternoon, Renoir takes his sketchbook and heads outdoors. Whether it’s a bustling café, a quiet park, or the banks of the Seine River, he finds a spot to observe and capture the essence of everyday life. These sketches often serve as the foundation for his larger paintings.

3:00 PM – Tea Time and Reflection: Renoir takes a short break for tea, reflecting on his work and the world around him. This quiet time allows him to recharge and gather his thoughts before heading back to his studio.

Evening: Wind Down and Family Time

4:00 PM – Second Painting Session: Renoir returns to his studio for another session of painting. The evening light offers a different quality, bringing new life and depth to his work. He often experiments with colors and techniques during this time, pushing the boundaries of his artistic expression.

7:00 PM – Dinner with Family: As the day winds down, Renoir enjoys a leisurely dinner with his family. They share stories, laughter, and delicious food, strengthening their bond and providing a sense of grounding and support.

8:30 PM – Evening Stroll: After dinner, Renoir takes a gentle evening stroll, often accompanied by his family. The calmness of the night and the soft glow of streetlights create a perfect setting for contemplation and relaxation.

9:30 PM – Reading and Relaxation: Back at home, Renoir spends some time reading, exploring literature, poetry, and philosophy. These readings inspire his artistic vision and provide a rich source of ideas for his future works.

10:30 PM – Early Bedtime: Renoir believes in the importance of rest for maintaining his creativity and energy. He retires to bed early, ensuring he gets a good night’s sleep to wake up refreshed and ready for another day of artistic exploration.

Body Clock Calendar Tips Inspired by Renoir

  • Morning Meditation: Start your day with a few minutes of meditation to clear your mind and focus your thoughts.
  • Morning Walk: Incorporate a walk into your morning routine to enjoy the beauty of the natural world and find inspiration.
  • Outdoor Sketching: Take time in the afternoon to sketch or engage in a creative activity outdoors to gather fresh ideas.
  • Evening Reflection: Use the evening hours to reflect on your day, recharge, and gather inspiration for future projects.

Following Renoir’s routine can help you cultivate a balance of creativity, productivity, and relaxation in your daily life, in sync with your body clock calendar.


1. Pierre-Auguste Renoir – Biography, Art, Impressionism, Family, Famous Paintings, Britannica.
2. Pierre-Auguste Renoir – Wikipedia.
3. Pierre-Auguste Renoir – National Gallery, London.
4. Pierre-Auguste Renoir – World History Encyclopedia.

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