Socialization is an essential part of a well-balanced day. We need to connect with other human beings in order to thrive! Despite the fact that in-person gatherings are currently on a temporary hiatus in California due to COVID-19, we can still see family members’ and friends’ faces and see their voices through the magic of video chat! Here are 5 creative ways to interact together via video.

1. Exercise!

Engage in a workout with your best friend, cousin, or grandparent! An an alternative, dance around your respective living rooms if dance parties are more your style!

Did you know? Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day can decrease your risk of death from heart disease by 77%!

2. Teach Each Other a New Skill

Your uncle who’s great at painting can give you a tutorial on painting clouds, and you can teach him French vocabulary, photography, or whatever floats your boat! Use this time to grow your skillset (and improve your teaching abilities)!

3. Pray With Each Other!

In stressful times such as these, set aside time to pray or meditate with loved ones to foster a sense of calmness, peace, and hope. Praying and meditating have been shown to lower blood pressure.

4. Make Some Food!

Bake the same meal for dinner with your aunt, or make a delicious dessert with your grandma! Bonus points if you try out a brand new, health-conscious recipe!

5. Play a Game

You can play Pictionary, Charades, trivia games, board games, or even some card games–just modify them based on your virtual situation! Be strategic, and have fun with it! A study carried out by the University of Edinburgh revealed that people who played board games more regularly had better cognition than those who did not play them regularly.

With a touch of creativity, you can socialize in fun, novel ways via video chat, until you get the chance to see your loved ones in person again! Stay safe, but keep connecting with each other!